Attachment Parenting

I think my son hates me

For the past few nights he has been waking up every 20 minutes. I can't even nurse him down most of those times. He wants me to walk around with him. I'm EXHAUSTED.

That being said, I finally woke up all the way, came downstairs, made coffee and oatmeal and then he fell asleep. Now that I'm wide awake. 

Why is he doing this?!

Hatching the Hawks
Hatching the Hawks
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Re: I think my son hates me

  • Because the world in a large and wonderful place? At least that's what I tell myself when DS won't settle and nurse or sleep. Thee days he's so preoccupied with life he doesn't have patience for mama. He has to completely wear himself out before even considering sleep.
    Gabriel :: Born on his due date - 9/19/09 :: 9lb 8oz, 21"Birth Storysig4 copyBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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