Hi ladies. I am just updating you all to let you know that I was admitted to Labor and Delivery again this morning. I work up at 6am with my pants soaked in blood and fluid and passed a large (apple-sized) clot when I got up (sorry, TMI). I went directly to L&D and was admitted and checked out. I have been monitored since then and so far the bleeding has stopped and Baby Ryan is going great- strong heartbeat and no contractions, just some "uterine irritability." The bleed was pretty substantial but the OB feels like as long as I am not contracting and the baby is doing OK, there is no emergent need to deliver, which is quite a relief cuz I am only 29 weeks!!!!
I will be here in L&D until at least Thursday. However, if I have any more bleeding, there is a chance the OB will keep me here in the hospital on bedrest for the duration of the pregnancy and they hope to get me to at least 34 weeks. So scary I am not prepared for a preemie and I don't want to be away from my two boys at home for potentially another 5-6 weeks
Thanks for listening. I appreciate all the amazing support I receive here and could use some extra thoughts and prayers tonight.
Re: T&P please- back in L&D
I am thinking of you! I am so sorry, Anne=(
Oh NO! Tons of T&P coming your way, please keep us updated.
Awww...hugs! Keep your chin up. Remember if they do keep you, these 5-6 weeks will be minor in the whole scheme of life.....big now, but the boys will soon forget and you'll have a healthy baby.
Keep us updated!
What a scary day! I'm glad things are better now. T&P coming to you!
StepMom to P, Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse
good thoughts and prayers headed your way.
Oh no! So sorry to hear that. T&P with you and Ryan
hang in there and thinking of you!
I was in the exact position at 29 weeks. so...STAY PUT! do what they say and try to ask people to bring you healthy food whenever possible.
oh dear! Anne- I'm thinking of you- I really hope they can get you to the best possible point in this pregnancy before ryan makes his appearance- this has been a hell of a pregnancy for you!
I am glad he is looking good- but I am so sorry you can't just sail smoothly through this! I know it will all end up just great- but I hope you can find a way to enjoy the hospital if you have to be there (did I really just type that? you know what I mean. your boys are so lucky to have a mom who will go through hell and back to bring them into this world!
no more bleeding!
Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11
Thoughts and prayers for you Anne, and your whole family. ((hugs))
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo