Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

AW: My child is talking up a storm!

She now says cat, hat, sock, meow, woof woof, cheep cheep (when she sees a bird), balloon, blue, boob (when she wants to nurse), mama, and dada.  I love it.  She is also imitating sounds a lot.  Today she ticked like the clock, and attempted to imitate the vacuum by going "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHH!"

She notices cats everywhere, since we have three of them.  Drawings, stuffed animals, even sculptures make her meow.  It's so cute.  She is changing so quickly right now.  Every day something new.

Re: AW: My child is talking up a storm!

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