
Parents of older this "age appropriate"? Settle a disagreement

I saw a 10 year old beating on the window of a zoo exhibit...with the animal right on the other side of the glass. His mom didn't say a word, but I told him to stop. Anyway, my friend says it's age appropriate for a 10 year old, but I don't even think it's age appropriate for my 3 or 4 year old to do that.

And by age appropriate, she means that they just think it's funny to be "bad" like that, and forget that it's not okay.  I still firmly believe I'm right--I would be absolutely mortified if that was my child.

 ETA: I'm really curious what parents of older kids have to say, because she says this is one of those "I'd never" things that will come to haunt you later. 

Re: Parents of older this "age appropriate"? Settle a disagreement

  • Totally not age appropriate. At 10, they have complete understanding of what is right or wrong, plus a good foot in the right direction for empathy. That child was just being a brat.
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  • I do think some kids, especially boys, think it is okay to act obnoxiously like that at 10. I would still tell the kid to knock it off. I have worked with kids that age and some feed off the attention they get for being that way.
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  • imageans1999:
    I do think some kids, especially boys, think it is okay to act obnoxiously like that at 10. I would still tell the kid to knock it off. I have worked with kids that age and some feed off the attention they get for being that way.

    This.  Although I would never in a million years have let Ian do that and not have said anything.

  • Well there are lots of things that are normal for kids to do but that doesn't mean they are appropriate. I think this is one of those things and if my kid were doing that I would make them stop, regardless of their age! Good for you for telling him so!
  • It might be age appropriate for a 10 year old, but it is mom-appropriate for his mother to tell him to stop.
  • HAYL no that is absolutely not age appropriate.

  • Not appropriate at any age.
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  • um NO, this isn't ok for any age.
  • Absolutely not okay.  I don't have boys but I'm around DD's 9&10 y/o friends and classmates enough to know that if any of them pulled such a stunt they'd be corrected. 
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