
a C&P for your pleasure


I started this post thinking "well everyone has their opinion" but as the OP continued I progressively became more Indifferent

Re: a C&P for your pleasure

  • Well, she is a tripIndifferent  What a close minded beyotch
  • eh, she's probably a 1st time mother and is still in that "OMG, my way is RIIIIIIIGHT!" that some people (myself included) go through.  She'll probably mellow as her kid gets older; I know I did. 

    Also, ftr, I pretty much agree w/ her OP (didn't read any further), so maybe that's why I'm not bothered by it.  Of course, since you say that she gets worse at it goes on, I'd probably be cringing if I read any further.  I have no tolerance for drama these days, though (esp other peoples! LOL), so I can't bring myself to click back and read through the thread.  

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  • Does anyone know if there is documented proof of this:

    "plastic and chemicals that are banned in most countries except the us"

    This statement is very hard for me to believe.

  • lol!  Well, she'll learn...her kid's four months old right?  Her judgyness will come back to bite her eventually, I'll bet!
  • I liked the "mediocre mothers" slam at the end.  That was hilarious.  Nice alliteration too.

    Clearly, she only has an infant if she thinks that is what matters and is important w/ regards to parenting.

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  • imagesummerbrideDC:

    eh, she's probably a 1st time mother and is still in that "OMG, my way is RIIIIIIIGHT!" that some people (myself included) go through.  She'll probably mellow as her kid gets older; I know I did. 

    Also, ftr, I pretty much agree w/ her OP (didn't read any further), so maybe that's why I'm not bothered by it.  Of course, since you say that she gets worse at it goes on, I'd probably be cringing if I read any further.  I have no tolerance for drama these days, though (esp other peoples! LOL), so I can't bring myself to click back and read through the thread.  

    You really agree that bottle feeding formula and using wipes and disposable diapers makes a person a "mediocre parent?"

    IMHO that is so ridiculous!  She is definitely sweating the small stuff!  But like I said before...her toddler (or preschooler, or teenager, or all of the above) will learn her.

  • imagepraline:

    eh, she's probably a 1st time mother and is still in that "OMG, my way is RIIIIIIIGHT!" that some people (myself included) go through.  She'll probably mellow as her kid gets older; I know I did. 

    Also, ftr, I pretty much agree w/ her OP (didn't read any further), so maybe that's why I'm not bothered by it.  Of course, since you say that she gets worse at it goes on, I'd probably be cringing if I read any further.  I have no tolerance for drama these days, though (esp other peoples! LOL), so I can't bring myself to click back and read through the thread.  

    You really agree that bottle feeding formula and using wipes and disposable diapers makes a person a "mediocre parent?"

    IMHO that is so ridiculous!  She is definitely sweating the small stuff!  But like I said before...her toddler (or preschooler, or teenager, or all of the above) will learn her.


    did she say all that in her OP? And not in one of her follow up comments? If so, I didn't read carefully and no, I don't really agree w/ her on that.

    I was looking at her basic "cloth diapering is better for the environment, BF'ing is best" etc.  Basics.  But I am also beyond giving a rat's butt what other people do with their kids as long as it doens't impact my kid or harm theirs.  And I've gotten past the point where I think anyone should be concerned by what I consider "mediocre" parenting anyway.  

  • uh, yeah - here's the OP with the most enjoyable part bolded.


    Apparently some people just couldnt get me off thier mind today, huh? Simply because I stated that (with several references) bottle propping is not a good choice. Sorry chicks, thats a fact. Then I asked the question if you had to stand next to the mountain of waste your disposable diapers create, would you switch to cloth. Again, sorry, the fact is cloth diapering is better for the environment than plastic throw aways. Somehow you all got the idea that I was saying that breastfeeding was better than formula feeding and I never said such a thing, but since I was so accused, I'll say it now. Breastfeeding IS best for your baby. And that was a very cute thread of all your babies, but I never stated anyhting about them being unhappy. Why wouldnt they be happy? Their bellies are full of chemically made formulas stuck in their mouth with a silicone nipple, their bottoms are dry covered with plastic and chemicals that are banned in most countries except the us, wiped down with some more artificial wipes and chemicals. Brilliant parenting, really. Well done ladies. You are a nice group of mediocre mothers.



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  • She is a nut.  If she really thinks that BF and cloth diapering have anything to do with good parenting, she is going to trip when she actually has a child that requires parenting.
  • imageeclaires:

    uh, yeah - here's the OP with the most enjoyable part bolded.


    Apparently some people just couldnt get me offthier mind today, huh? Simply because I stated that (with severalreferences) bottle propping is not a good choice. Sorry chicks, thats afact. Then I asked the question if you had to stand next to themountain of waste your disposable diapers create, would you switch tocloth. Again, sorry, the fact is cloth diapering is better for theenvironment than plastic throw aways. Somehow you all got the idea thatI was saying that breastfeeding was better than formula feeding and Inever said such a thing, but since I was so accused, I'll say it now.Breastfeeding IS best for your baby. And that was a very cute thread ofall your babies, but I never stated anyhting about them being unhappy. Whywouldnt they be happy? Their bellies are full of chemically madeformulas stuck in their mouth with a silicone nipple, their bottoms aredry covered with plastic and chemicals that are banned in mostcountries except the us, wiped down with some more artificial wipes andchemicals. Brilliant parenting, really. Well done ladies. You are anice group of mediocre mothers.




    Oh for the love! What a douchebag.  I didn't read that far. Yeah, let me formally retract anything I said about agreeing with her! b/c regardless of what I do for and with my own family, I am not that judgy about what other people do w/ theirs.  

  • imageeclaires:

    uh, yeah - here's the OP with the most enjoyable part bolded.


    Apparently some people just couldnt get me off thier mind today, huh? Simply because I stated that (with several references) bottle propping is not a good choice. Sorry chicks, thats a fact. Then I asked the question if you had to stand next to the mountain of waste your disposable diapers create, would you switch to cloth. Again, sorry, the fact is cloth diapering is better for the environment than plastic throw aways. Somehow you all got the idea that I was saying that breastfeeding was better than formula feeding and I never said such a thing, but since I was so accused, I'll say it now. Breastfeeding IS best for your baby. And that was a very cute thread of all your babies, but I never stated anyhting about them being unhappy. Why wouldnt they be happy? Their bellies are full of chemically made formulas stuck in their mouth with a silicone nipple, their bottoms are dry covered with plastic and chemicals that are banned in most countries except the us, wiped down with some more artificial wipes and chemicals. Brilliant parenting, really. Well done ladies. You are a nice group of mediocre mothers.




    Yeah, the highlighted section was what I was specifically referring to...that lady is a definate douchebag - I got some alliteration in me too! Wink

  • as a breastfeeding, cloth diapering mama...I take exception to having to share space with her...she's a loon and gives us all a bad name. 
    Nathan 7-13-06 ~ Elizabeth 4-12-09 ~ Zachary 8-5-11
  • *sigh*

    I miss the glory days of Parenting, when arguments like that were a day to day thing.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • Seriously Bubbly. The tri boards and months board have all the lunatics (and fun). Spread the love people!
  • imagecristiana:
    Seriously Bubbly. The tri boards and months board have all the lunatics (and fun). Spread the love people!

    Take them. Free to good home. To me the tri boards are a little ridiculous.

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