Two Under 2

am I alone?

I have a 5 month old and recently  found out I am expecting again. This was not planned, but obviously a blessing. But I am having a hard time feeling that way. I am sad for my baby, feeling like I am making him grow up to fast. Then I am sad for my unborn baby because I am not as excited as I was with my first.

Dont get me wrong, I know I am blessed to have a beautiful child and be pregnant again. I know over time I will be just as excited.

 I want to be excited, I am just not there yet. Is this normal? Is it just getting over the shock? Please tell me I am not alone.

Re: am I alone?

  • I got pg again when DS was 5 months and I felt that way for a little bit. I worried that DS would be left out and I wouldn't have time for him but in actually none of that happened (IMO) and I still had lots of time left before baby #2 arrived.


  • I'm in the same boat with you, although we planned #2 I didn't expect it to happen so fast. I'm excited, but I am also feeling guilty like I am making DD grow up too fast. I try not to really over think it. Just take care of my body, and spend every second with DD that I possibly can. Once LO #2 comes, we'll figure it out and make it work. I feel like part of the excitement is gone for this baby simply because I'm so busy with DD... hopefully time will make me more excited. I also feel like it's still not "real". GL!!! And Congrats!
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  • I was shocked and had mixed feelings very early on.  It's okay!  I just really loved my one on one time with DS and it took me a few weeks to really start to feel excited.  

    And now, I couldn't imagine NOT having both of my babies and love seeing DS as a big brother!  He is so intrigued by the new baby and I know she will be such a gift to him as they grow up. 

    the bug & bee blog
    (read it. you know you want to.)
    anderson . september 2008
    vivian . february 2010
    mabel . august 2012
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  • Right there with you! All things will work out, and you will love 2u2!!
  • I've been feeling that way too, off and on. We are thrilled to be pg again, but also didn't think it would happen this soon since it took us well over a year to conceive DS and with help, at that. Truly a miracle but I wonder the same thing at times - will DS be getting enough attention still? Will I be totally frazzled? Will DS be forced to "grow up" too fast?

     I'm sure over time, these fears will subside - it's just the "unknown" and I know we'll fall into a schedule/routine after LO #2 gets here, just like DH and I did after DS arrived. It still feels overwhelming sometimes though!

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