I went to the camera store in the highland park village and they were less then helpful. I have a d40 and am looking to upgrade my lens or get a flash. Anyway, I'm just looking for a place that is helpful. I live in uptown, but will drive where ever to have decent customer service. Thanks!
Re: I need a camera store rec please
Which lens are you wanting? I bought a new lens 2 weeks ago and I am thinking about selling my Nikkor 28-105 zoom. I don't have any recs since I didn't buy it in Dallas.
As far as flashes go for Nikon nothing beats the SB-800 which is discontinued. Used they sell very high since most people don't like the replacement SB-900 and would prefer to have the SB-800 used over a new SB-900.
Wish I could be more help.
Try Fort Worth Camera...they have a ton of stuff in the store.