This is from KISSING's link. LOL
There are a few at W's school, but one of his best friends has a supah hot dad. And he's really nice too. But the mom? Not hot. I don't get the relationship. They don't match AT. ALL. At the last birthday party we went to, she had on bedazzled jeans. For serious.
Re: S/O of sorts: Is there a "hot dad" at your child's school?
I'm married to him. ;-)
I wonder if living where I do has something to do with it, but pretty much all the dads are good-looking. In our neighborhood, one of the dad's looks like a 40 y/o Tom Brady, one looks like a little bit older and darker Matthew McCona-whatever. It's crazy. DH and I are by far the youngest in our neighborhood but everyone else is hotter
LOL -seriously it really is my DH too, but I have seen a sporadic hottie here and there!
this was going to be my answer. ; ) bur I'm supa hot too, so we match.
Christmas 2011
omfg- that is so funny. Sad, of course (sorry, Larry) but so funny...