Am I the only one that got the vibe that Richard originally made his way to the island as a prisoner on the Black Rock when it crashed there?? He bent down and picked up the chains and stared at them in silence for a moment and then told Jack that he had only been there once before and this was his first time back.
I don't know about everyone else, but I haven't really found the "answers" they claim they are giving us to be very explanatory. They should have had Richard tell Jack HOW and WHY the pirate ship was there.
In six years I have never missed an episode, yet I have no clue what the heck is going on. There are so many different characters and story lines I honestly can't keep them straight. And only 9 episodes left to clear it all up.....
Re: NBR: Can we talk about LOST for a minute...
OMG I am more lost then ever! I agree, 6 six into it and I still don't have all the "answers" I really really hope they don't screw with it and give us a crappy ending!
I wonder who will take jacob's "place".
I also don't think we're going to get as many "answers" as they have been promising. In the past few episodes they have been revealing bits and pieces of the many, many mysteries in such a half-assed way, it's soooo frustrating! I mean, obviously they can't just up and tell us everything because then everyone would lose interest, but are just so many questions that haven't been answered yet, I don't know how they're going to do it.
My best friend sent me this, all you LOSTies will love it! It's hilarious!
I'm so frustrated with this show! They are not giving us any answers. Grrr!
I agree with you Andrea about Richard. I think he was on the Black Rock. But could he please explain why he doesn't age? Something more than "I made a deal with Jacob."
I was happy to see Charles Widmore at the end of the episode. I was just complaining to DH that they seemed to have dropped that plotline. I'm holding out hope I will get to see Desmond again before the show ends.
guess I am in the minority. I loved last night. Even though I am longing for some Sawyer time...I guess he will be in for next week.
They answered some stuff last that they will not die because Jacob touched them.
I love it and I love the anticipation. Btw Andrea there are 9 episodes left until the 2 hour finale so really it's 11 hours left yay
I am more confused than ever...
Did you all know about Ben being a teacher? Alex was one of his students? Did I miss the episode when it was mentioned previously? I didnt think I did...?
Jason & Patricia 5/28/06
They showed Ben as a teacher in Locke's flash sideways. Locke was subbing at the school and they showed Ben then. (I think.)
So i found an email from March 2008 where I had all of our questions.. "our" meaning us nesties and myself. Most of the important ones have been answered...
Remember these?
Is it really just coincidence that those numbers won Hurley the lottery and he ends up at the same place where the numbers originated?
What is the story behind Libby who was in the insane asylum with Hurley? Why was she in the insane asylum?
Who is the guy in the Dharma video; what is wrong with his arm?
What is the smoke monster?
Where did Jack's dad corpse go?
Why were Mikhaul and Ms. Klaugh so willing to die?
What is the symbol they branded on Juliette?
Why can't this island be found?
Is the white car of death driven by anyone from Dharma? (The car that crashed into Locke in the supermarket, that bumped into sawyer in Australia, the same one that crashed into Michael in season 1)
What was the "incident" that Dr. Marvin Candle always refers to?
Why is the brainwashing necessary if supposedly all of the Dharmites are there willingly?
Definitely need to know about Libby! Was she working for Widmore?
Do Rose and Bernard have higher importance in the development of this story. It had been rumored that they were much more important than previously speculated. They have been off the radar for quite a while now.
Finally what is the connection between Flight 815 and the Dharmites? Remember the mobile that was found when Ethan was holding Claire.
And last but not least, doesn't baby Aaron have special powers, and isn't that why Richard made Claire take this flight to LA knowing full well that this flight would crash?
Who is the clock lady, is she like the oracle?
And can desmond really see into the future? It sure does seem so doesn't it?
They will NOT answer ALL of the "little" questions: