The baby will be a week and half old on Easter. I was just talking to DH's aunt and she was saying how she is doing Easter Sunday at her house and how everyone will miss us this year, so I told her that we were actually still planning on coming. She was very surprised and seemed a little disturbed when I said we were coming (for a lack of a better word).
See, now to me, its really not a big deal. The baby will be going directly from the car into the house where there will be about 10 family members, two of whom are older children who will know to wash their hands before handling the baby, etc.
When I had Nicky my pedi told me to keep him in for two months. By two and a half weeks I was sobbing my eyes out all day long, so DH decided I needed to get out of the house and we took the baby to a restaurant, where we sat in a booth and put the infant carrier on the seat. From that day forward I took him out every day for walks, to run errands, to the mall, etc.
I really don't plan on staying in with the new baby for very long. I know I will go stir crazy, as will Nicholas. But now I'm afraid now that DH's family will strongly disapprove of us being there for Easter. Some people have certain ideas about these things...
What would you do?? Go or stay home?
Re: Taking newborn out....WWYD?
I would go. I think going to a family member's house is different than going to the mall. Make sure people wash their hands before touching her and if anyone is sick they need to stay away.
I would go...and if someone doesn't like it tell them to shove it up their a$$
I took Aaron out from almost day 1...but yes I was's not like I had him in public bathrooms laying on the floor or something.
GO..its for your sanity!
Forget about judgement. and do whats best for you. You ultimately have to take care of this child.
I took nicolas to a restaurnt when he was 3 days old,
3 reasons....we had to drop off mario to preschool, he had a dr appt directly after, then DH and I got hungry and with the secomd child around no one brought us food so we had nothing in the house to eat therefore we needed to