
Pregnant After Preemie (&TTC) Check in

Welcome to the check in group for Pregnant After Preemie!  This group is also for those who are actively trying to conceive, planning on it, or just thinking about it...

So, list your 1st name, due date if you're pregnant or ttcing timeline, preemie's name and gestational age at birth as well as the reason for their prematurity.

Each Tuesday I'll post the check in with status updates and questions of the week.  If you have any suggestions for questions of the week or anything else, please let me know!


mhop, Martha, DD Campbell 27 weeks,  pre-e, due May 29

LUCKY41010,  Heather, DS Cooper, 33 weeks, IUGR, due March 11

everlove, Jana, DS Andrew 34 weeks, PROM, due September 15

Kaytee1206, Katie, DD Kendall, 34 weeks PROM, due April 27

ShanaNChris, Shana, DD Lily 31 weeks pre-e/HELLP, due September 26

jennigator3, Jennifer, DS Nathan 33 weeks due to pre-e, due July 2

msalinardi, Margot, DD Angelina, 26 weeks pre-e, due May 15

Denesdia, Diane, DD Zoey 25 weeks PTL, due August 13

purplepuggles, Joan, DS Jack, 27 weeks placental abruption, due June 30

FaithRocks, Kelly, DS Trig 32 weeks, pre-e, ptl, placental abruption, due September 7

tothemoon2, Kristina, DD 32 weeks, low amniotic fluid, due June 28th

RRHsMom,  DS Ryan 35-36 weeks, due April 1

BrainySmurfette, Melissa, DD Katie 34 weeks, pre-e/HELLP, due May 7

MWiley0225, DS Caleb 34 weeks, DS 27 weeks due to unknown except for multiple high risk complications, due ?

Aidge- get me your info so I can add you :)


MrsDeLaVara, Emily, DD Chelsea 27 weeks pPROM

heer4u, Sharon, DD Sophie 27 weeks PTL

njkaren, Karen, DS Brandon 26 weeks fetal distress due to twin's loss

kcswifey, Sara, DS Logan 28 weeks, unexplained PTL

SkypeWithoutAC, Shannon, DD Ellie, 33 weeks PPROM

Beccaboo0713, Becca, DS Jacob, 35 weeks fetal distress

mrsfriend, Dawn Marie, DS Parker 34 weeks PPROM

Thinking about/Planning on TTCing:

ijack, Ivory, DD Emma 29 weeks placental abruption, ttc June 2010

lemen99, Kathy, DS Andrew 26 weeks IC, ttc in May

TriciaJoy, Trish, DS Robbie 26 weeks pre-e/HELLP, seeing RE in May

BartsGirl, Alison, DS Benjamin 34 weeks PROM, ttc in the fall

erikaja6, Erika, DS Jordan 33 weeks IC, ttc in August

kamcfarlane, Kate, DS Ryan 32 weeks, placenta previa, ttcing in a month

*Sweet Pea*, Jamie, DD Skylar, 29 weeks pre-e/HELLP, ttcing end of year?

Clotho!, Janet, DS Robbie 34 weeks pre-e & DS Simon 34 weeks pih and ptl, debating between adoption and ttcing in winter

mek10976, Megan, DS Simon, 32 weeks pre-e/PROM, ttcing June-ish


News: Welcome to new members MWiley0225, Brainysmurfette, and Aidge!

QOTW:  This week the question is a spin off of one of the recent posts from one of our group....  How do you think your plans for breastfeeding or formula feeding have changed since having a preemie?

Updates: Please let us know how you're doing!

Re: Pregnant After Preemie (&TTC) Check in

  • QOTW:  Well, I'd originally hoped to nurse Campbell but it didn't happen and I EP'd for 6 months.  With this baby, I hope to nurse, but I do know that EP'ing is an option if I need it.  I guess a lot will depend on if we make it to full term or not...

    Update: I passed Campbell's gestational age at birth (27,6) and everything is going great!  I'm still nervous and watching closely for signs of rising bp but so far, so good.

  • QOTW:  I was lucky enough to nurse DS for a little over 12 months.  I plan on doing the same with #2 if I can.  I did pump for the first 4 weeks and would pump again if I needed to. 

    Updates: We are at the tail end of our trying time.  I think we'll give it one last effort when DH gets home.  I am really hopeful that the 6th times the charm!!  I will be majorly bummed if it doesn't work.  I think we had good timing, let the 2WW begin! 

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    IVF 1=BFP, beta #1 8dp5dt 24, beta #2 12dp5dt 50, beta #3 14dp5dt 88.9
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    Weishaars' World
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  • Oh, and CONGRATS Martha!!!  That is such an incredible milestone!!  Keep cookin' Miss Maggie!

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    IVF 1=BFP, beta #1 8dp5dt 24, beta #2 12dp5dt 50, beta #3 14dp5dt 88.9
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Weishaars' World
  • First off, I'm feeling pretty special that my earlier post lead to the QOTW :)

    QOTW: I'm still undecided. For whatever reason I didn't find pumping all that difficult, but then again it's all I know. I'm leaning towards being an exclusive pumper again as I'm still having this internal debate about keeping everything equal with my girls....and I KNOW it's insane. For whatever reason I look at my 32 week, now 14 month old DD and want to make sure she won't have missed out on something DD #2 will have < and THAT is crazy. I'm hoping with all hope to go full term this time, have my baby in my room, and bring her home with me. That seems like an advantage already compared to the 31 days in the NICU DD#1 had nevermind the fact that it took me 7 hours just to be able to meet her. I guess I still feel guilty about DD#1's birth and although I want the exact opposite experience with this baby, I want both of my girls to feel the same amount to love and commitment from me. I told's totally MY issue.

    Updates: None....feeling good at 24 weeks pregnant! 

  • QOTW:  Since having a preemie I realize that there are a lot of challenges to BFing...even if you're BFing a full term baby.  I ignorantly thought that while yes some people have challenges when BFing, most people BF with no problem.  Boy was I wrong.  Despite all of the challenges that I faced (and there were TONS), the worst was the non support.  Luckily, DH was totally on board.  But, I hated hearing from people how I should just give Parker a bottle.  Their comments were never helpful to me.  I wanted to BF at all costs.  It was something I wanted to do for my son, and for me.  I know that I will do whatever it takes to BF matter how challenging.  But, I am afraid that it will be more difficult with a toddler running around.  :)

    Update:  Nothing new really.  Baby fever is setting in, though.  Still no AF, no fertility signs.  Still BFing 5x per day.  But...Parker took his first steps yesterday.  :)

  • This week the question is a spin off of one of the recent posts from one of our group....  How do you think your plans for breastfeeding or formula feeding have changed since having a preemie?

    The next time im going to try a lot harder.  I nursed a little in the NICU and pumped for 6weeks but when she got she would always fall asleep and I know my supply was not that great anyway so we switch to formula.  Looking back I wished I would of just keep trying.


    Im having a really hard time with my insulin pump.  Im hoping my nurse can get it figured out other wise im going to go back to shots because it is just not good for my body to have all these high blood sugars :+(

  • imagemrsfriend:

    QOTW:  Since having a preemie I realize that there are a lot of challenges to BFing...even if you're BFing a full term baby.  I ignorantly thought that while yes some people have challenges when BFing, most people BF with no problem.  Boy was I wrong.  Despite all of the challenges that I faced (and there were TONS), the worst was the non support.  Luckily, DH was totally on board.  But, I hated hearing from people how I should just give Parker a bottle.  Their comments were never helpful to me.  I wanted to BF at all costs.  It was something I wanted to do for my son, and for me.  I know that I will do whatever it takes to BF matter how challenging.  But, I am afraid that it will be more difficult with a toddler running around.  :)

    Update:  Nothing new really.  Baby fever is setting in, though.  Still no AF, no fertility signs.  Still BFing 5x per day.  But...Parker took his first steps yesterday.  :)

    Woohoo!!  Go Parker!!

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    IVF 1=BFP, beta #1 8dp5dt 24, beta #2 12dp5dt 50, beta #3 14dp5dt 88.9
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    Weishaars' World
  • QOTW:  I am definitely just going to go with the flow this time. Last time I wanted so bad to breastfeed, but pumping worked out great. DS had surgery and couldn't have the rich breastmilk for several months, so I used up some frozen breastmilk when he could digest it, I was so glad I pumped! Another reason I plan on pumping is because DH remembers some great moments with Nate while doing late night feedings, he actually WANTS to do that again, so I will not exclusively breastfeed so he can participate.

    Updates: Doing OK, I am definitely getting anxious about possibly getting pre-e again. I will be 24 weeks on Friday and the reality of possibly having issues again is weighing on me.I am just keeping my fingers crossed now and taking things day by day.
  • QOTW: I originally planned on only using formula. I had no desire to breast feed. When I knew Brandon was going to be born early I knew I would pump because I wanted him to have my milk. I pumped for 8 weeks but my supply was never good. I did get him through the first few months though so I am happy about that. I don't know if it was the stress or something else that caused my supply to never be good. I do plan on breastfeeding the next baby if I have enough of a supply or at least pumping for as long as I can and hoping that I have a better supply the second time around.

    Update: I have been using a home ovulation test this month again and did not have a surge like I should have. Last month I did but the month before I didn't. So I think this month is not going to be a good one. The fertility doctor found that I don't ovulate every month when we were ttc Brandon. I am going to go the fertility doctor and make an appointment to meet with him in May to talk about IVF again for number 2.

    Conceived twins with IVF January 2008. Lost baby a at 20 1/2 weeks due to premature rupture of membranes and held onto baby b. Baby b (Brandon) born at 26 weeks and 1 day on July 5, 2008. Wesley born full term on June 29, 2011. My blog Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image
  • Yay for Maggie and Parker!!!

    QOTD: I originally wanted to BF until DD's 1st birthday. Then when I realized how much I love it and how healthy it keeps her (I really credit BFing with her not getting sick yet this winter *knock on wood*), I decided I wanted to BF through her second winter, about 18mos. But DD never really gained well on BM, and then I rented a scale and discovered that she was only getting about 10oz of BM per day from me, so we started to supplement, which lead to a downward spiral until now, where we only BF 1-3xday. I'm hoping next time I won't have the same supply issues, but I have PCOS, so who knows? I am planning on renting a scale for the first month or two so I can track how much LO no. 2 is getting right away, and not wait for problems.

    Update: Went in for my annual appt with the OB/GYN last week. She agreed that we'll probably have to go back to the RE for no. 2, which wasn't really a surprise. She prescribed provera so I can induce AF and I plan to POAS today/tomorrow and take the provera if it's neg (which it will be, I've been charting and unless my thermometer is broken, there's no way I'm pg). DH and I also decided to go back to the RE sometime between DD's birthday in Sept and the holidays...we'd really like them to be about 2 years apart, so I'd have to get pg around Dec for that to happen.

  • I'd like to join the group!  Here's my info:

    goblue, Kristin, DS Jake, 27 weeks pPROM, maybe ttcing late 2010

    QOTW: I absolutely want to BF our future baby, if we have one.  I worked incredibly hard to BF DS (not only with pumping while he was in the NICU but pumping again when he had milk-soy-protein intolerance and had to go on mostly formula for a month or so).  I cannot imagine how wonderful it would be to BF a baby straight from the beginning.

  • ijackijack member
    Martha, I am so happy for you!! QOTW:I think that it increased my desire to BF. We were lucky enough to make it work, but we worked for a long time at it. It was one of the most amazing experiences and I miss it :)
    Emma - March '08 Quinn - August '11
    Need help with high fat food ideas? Chunky Monkey
  • QOTW: My plans for breastfeeding have not changed.  Although my pregnancy obviously did not go as planned, breastfeeding has gone well. If I am lucky enough to get pregnant again, hopefully I'll be able to breastfeed him/her too.  



  • QOTW: I really wanted to BF with DD but due to idiots at the hospital I had her at, I was unable to and my supply never really came.mI am defiently hoping to exclusively BF with baby #2, but we will see what happens.

    Update: My BP has started to creep up. I have been on a low dose BP med for the past month, but my pressure has started to creep up even with the medication. I have also started to have some swelling in my hands and nose Sad. I also failed my 1 hour glucose test. So it's been kinda a stressful week. My only consolation is that we have kept him cooking for 4 and a half more weeks than DD Big Smile. I am really hoping that we make it to my scheduled due date of April 27th, which will be at 37 weeks to keep me from having any complications with my c-section scar from DD.

  • My name is Cheryl, my son was born in 2008 and spent two weeks in the NICU at Childrens Hospital.  We had the Mirena put in hopeing it was a safe method. Got pregnant with twins on the Mirena, lost them and I had it taken out. We just found out we are pregnant! I should be due around Halloween. I am very excited.
  • QOTW: I am still EPing for DS. When I was pregnant with him I would waver between breast and bottle. I admit, I was scared of BFing. When he went to the NICU I felt so helpless so I did everything I could to produce milk for him. That turned into EPing which has been a long hard road. I hope that I get to BF the next baby from the tap for a year.

     Updates: In the 2ww on my first month of TCC. It took so long to get pregnant with DS so I am trying not to get my hopes up but I am getting antsy. The earliest I can test is the 14th. 

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  • QOTW: I EP'd for DD for a year, and I am really more aware as a result now of what a gift and a blessing our milk is to our babies.  I no longer stress about supply issues like I did last time, but I stress about actual nursing.  I want to try it, or at least give it a good try before I go back to work full-time, again.  Either way, baby is getting my milk!  :)

    I had my first p17 shot last week and it was really more painful than I imagined.  It was short-lived as far as physical pain, and then I became a psycho for the whole weekend.  I hope that goes away.  But, other than that I feel good and my belly looks like a canteloupe.  I enjoy the attention, and I am trying not to think about last time when I would have been only 6-7 weeks from going into labor from this point.  I am trying to stay positive.  Big ultrasound coming up in a few more weeks...hopefully everything is coming together in there!

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  • I would like to join!

    Sweets2005, Katie, DD and DS 32 weeks due to placenta previa/bleeding EDD 11/1/10.

    QOTW: I think in the future I won't be as hard on myself with BFing. I actually don't even have my pump anymore and I don't plan on replacing it because if I thought I didn't have time to pump before, I KNOW I won't have time when this baby comes home! So it either works it doesn't and I am not going to beat myself up over it.

    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

  • QOTW:  I was dead-set on BFing Simon, but with him in the NICU and previous surgery, the most I produced in one day was 1/2oz.  After pumping for a month and 3 days of failed BFing at home, we switched to Enfacare.  I'm going to try BFing again, with the hopes that things will be better, especially if we don't have to deal with the NICU again.

    Update:  Since we aren't seriously trying until we get closer to June (we teachers like to plan around our vacations), there is no TTC news.   But, on a more "bad-a**" note, I broke up a fight between 2 5th grade boys that were bigger than me.  I was watching them from the window of my portable.  It was a planned "rumble" after school.  There was a gang of kids watching and one of the fighters even asked a friend to record the fight on video.  I stormed out of my classroom as soon as fists were moving and started yelling at them.  The moral of this story is "don't mess with Mrs. R."

  • QOTW:  I did not get to BF Ryan until he was 2 weeks old so I had been pumping and had oversupply issues.  He would choke so badly bc my let down was so intense.  I am hopeful that w/ a healthy baby, I will BF right away and and we will grow my supply together.  I am also really nervous about how it will go with a newborn before my milk comes in.  I really loved BFing and hope to do it again for at least a year.  I also pumped and donated my over supply to the MIlk Bank and plan to do that again.  It felt so good to give back after all we were blessed with.  

    Update: 37 weeks tomorrow!!!  Ryan was miss dated and so we thought he was full term so I hope to keep this one in for at least another week if not 3!  No bp issues but swelling has begun.  Luckily it is much later than Ryan (30 weeks).

  • QOTW: I'm planning on BFing again.  I had to EP for the first 3 months with Katie, and I'm hoping to skip that part.  Nursing was successful after that, and went longer than I originally planned.  I had planned on BF until 1 year, but I ended letting her self-wean at a little past 2.

    Update: My BP has started to creep upward, and I had a 1+ protein at my appt today.  I'm hoping it doesn't progress or was an off day.  My c/s is booked for 39 weeks.  I'm hoping to keep the appointment.

  • AidgeAidge member

    QOTW:  I BF Sam for about 10 months and really hope to do the same with this one, but I am worried about the time aspect of it, what with having an active toddler running around.  I figure, though, people do it all the time, right?  

    Update: I too passed Sam's GA at 29 and 6 and am feeling good, knock on wood.  I see my OB every week and continue to get the progesterone shots, monthly u/s and cervical checks, etc.  

  • please move me from thinking about TTC to TTC!!! i'm so excited, it's a month earlier than we expected! we needed an RE with DS (because i have PCOS), but i'm hoping we'll have an easier time this time. this will be my first cycle off BCP, so we'll see what happens. otherwise we'll start back with the RE next month.

    QOTW: i considered EPing before i knew i would have a preemie because i like the idea of knowing how much the baby is getting and honestly, when i don't have a BFing baby, it kind of weirds me out (for me, not for anyone else). i figure i'll try to BF DC #2, and we'll see what happens.


  • QOTW:  I had always plan to BF and did eventually, but never imagined what a struggle it would be. It took me 3 months to get DD to exclusively BF. I BF and pumped until 10 months and had always planned on going until 12 months. I think this time I will not pressure myself or be so hard on myself about my supply or not making it as long as I had hoped. I guess I just don't have such high expectations as I used to and know formula isn't the enemy.

    Updates: I had my NT scan yesterday and baby was measuring 1 day behind, so we had to reschedule it for next Wednesday. That made me a little nervous (about the baby measuring behind), but they had moved my due date, so I am hoping that is why. We sent out announcements and finally told everyone - so there is no going back.
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  • can you add me? Hayden was born at 30 weeks due to pPROM and I am due with a baby girl in July 20
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Hi! I'm new to the group. Here's my info:
    Haley, TTC #2, Cole, 34 weeks, unexplained PTL

    QOTW: I exclusively BF'd DS, but it was a real struggle. He had a hard time figuring it all out, and I was so stressed out with pumping after each feeding. I was so exhausted and I think it really affected my supply. So, next time around I am committed to trying to BF, but I won't be disappointed if I need to supplement with formula.


    BFP: 6/4/10, M/C @ 5wks | BFP: 7/12/10, M/C @ 5wks | BFP: 1/5/11, M/C @ 4wks
    Unexplained secondary infertility...bleh. Gave it a few more tries and BFP on 3/31
    #1 Beta @ 10DPO: 9 #2 Beta @ 14DPO: 194
    My BFP Chart Lilypie Maternity tickersimage
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