My son will be about 23 months old when our twins arrive. I'll have a ton of help for the first 4-5 months so I'm not too worried about that early period of time- I'm really concerned about after that point. I'm trying to figure out how we're going to juggle everything and how much childcare I will need and I have a few questions:
1. How do you get ready in the morning with all three kids? Where do you put all of them? DS and I generally go out fully dressed every single day and I want to keep doing that with the twins but would love tips on getting everyone ready quickly.
2. Do you take all three kids on playdates? We do alot of playdates/playgroups with DS and I love that and want to try to include the twins and DS but I'm not sure how. Similarly, do you take mommy and me classes with all three kids? I think we'll have to split them up because it's not going to be appropriate developmentally for everyone but I'm not sure.
3. Do you ever leave your older child alone with your twins (like to go to the bathroom)? At what age?
4. Do you think a good nanny or sitter could handle all three kids at the same time (again, after the twins are 4-5 months old)?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Re: Moms of Toddlers then Twins- a few questions
My first turned 2 five days after the twins arrived, so the age split is pretty similar. I have to say - the first six months were about making it through the day, but after that it got much better and now (two years later) I can't imagine how quiet and boring it would be if there had only been one baby!
I have a 26 year old son and twin newborn girls. This is what I do:
1) I get my son ready first. Even if the girls are crying I'll get him up and dressed. Then he can join me in their room while I get them ready. I'll then walk him downstairs and come back upstairs and bring down the girls.
2) I don't take them out together because the girls are preemies and can't go out on playdates. But we'll go to the playground and the girls will stay in the stroller while my son plays.
3) Only if I'm running into the next room to get something. But I know my toddler's temperament and he's been taught not to touch the girls and is very good at not doing things he isn't supposed to do.
4) Yup. I have one and she is fantastic. She does it now with the girls only being 3 months old (they spent two months in the NICU). I couldn't afford day care for three children (never mind finding one with three openings at the same time). She probably does a better job than I do.
I know this was just a simple error, but I have to say thanks because I'm laughing my ass off imagining you doing all this for your 26 year old toddler!