
Please keep SIL in your prayers.

My neice Jaelyn, was born June of 09. She was born with gastroschisis. My SIL was told before she was born that 90% of the time, these babies have surgery after birth and go home to live normal lives about six weeks after the procedure. Unfortunately, Jaelyn has been in the 10% of that statistic...    While in the womb a huge percent of her intestines died from circulation being cut off. She lost a huge portion of her intestines. She is now considered, a short gut baby. She has only been out of the hospital for about a month and a half total, since being born. She only eats 15CC's an hour of formula, and is on TPN for the rest of her nutrition. She is the hospital now for pneumonia, and her abdominal area is also very distended.   This can mean a blockage in her intestines. If that is the case, they will have to do another surgery. Jaelyn can't afford to lose anymore of her intestines. She is already considered borerline functioning...


Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Also, does anyone have any experience with short gut babies?


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