I technically won't be 2 under 2, but my second will arrive when my first is 26 months. I love the new stroller, and I've been able to test drive it with a another child about the same age as Jack.
Here are my questions. I swear I've seen the toddler sitting in the back, with a newborn in the car seat (attached to the adapter) in the front. However, I think they tell you you can't do this. Why? And have you tried it this way?
Was your newborn happy in the reclined regular seat with the toddler in the clip on seat up front? It seems like they'd be sort of shut out from the world.
Re: I bought a Phil & Teds Sport w/double kit. Questions!
Sorry, thought of one more question.
Where do you put your diaper bag when the doubles kit is in use? It hangs in the face of the rear riding baby when I put it on the handle. I sort of hung it off the side, but that made the bag kind of fall open and blocked the side view for that child.
We're planning on buying this stroller soon, and I test drove one at the store last week. I was told that you can't use a diaper bag. That's one of the huge downfalls to me, but I still love the stroller! You'll either have to get a very tiny one with a short strap to hang on the back, or carry one. Or, you can just put a few things in the small storage basket.
Diaper bag is over your shoulder, or a backpack.
The heavier child is supposed to go up front. So if your carset + infant is heavier than the toddler, then you are all set for the toddler to sit in back.
We never used ours with the infant seat. Instead, we had the baby in the bassinet setting and the toddler up top. That worked until the baby was too long for the bassinet; now he's in the back seat. Everyone's happy.
Re: toddler seat in back, I don't know because I never used it with infant seat, but I suspect they say that because it may tip over backwards with weight of toddler in back. Just my guess...
Re: newborn bassinet - my DD hated riding in here, but that may have been just because she loved being held. I will tell you she tolerated riding in our single BOB much better than in the P&T. I think it may have been because the P&T is not quite as smooth a ride, no suspension. I don't think she really minded being shut out, because she wasn't really - she would look straight up at me, or up at the trees and sky.
Re: diaper bag, they sell a P&T saddlebag that somehow clips onto either/each side of the stroller, at the bottom near wheels or footrest, I think. I couldn't find a matching saddlebag when I got mine, so bought the little P&T backpack which I clip onto the handle then slide to either side, or I can just sling it over my shoulder. HTH!
I would put my skip hop dash diaper bag in the basket before dd climbed it. I could set it upright, access facing out to the side and dd put her feet on the other side of it. I also fit our coats in there with her in the back... but she's a petite girl. now that she's 4 and ds is 2, I carry a purse more anyway.
heavier needs to be in the front seat. we didn't use a double until ds was 9m. I carried him and dd rode until then.
The heavier child needs to be up front so that the stroller won't tip. Plus in order to put the carseat in it you have to recline the seat which could get in the way of the child on the bottom. You could put the diaper bag at the feet of the child in the bottom or carry it. I try not to drag a bunch of stuff with me though depending on where we go.
Have you checked out the website on how to use with a newborn and toddler? I haven't used it yet, but you put the second seat on the front and recline the permanent seat so that the newborn lies in it like a bassinet. DS#1 loves this stroller already but we haven't used it as a doubles yet.
Tales of the Wife
We bought one (a P&T Dash) as well and ended up returning it for the reasons you mentioned and the fact that it arrived with two pieces broken.
First, I was told "no way" by the sales associate and CS on the car seat and toddler. The only way they recommend (and is safe) for baby/toddler to ride is the jump seat in the front and baby lying down in the bassinet. There is no way for baby to lie flat and toddler in the back jump seat because the reclined seat is in the way of the jump seat.
DS's feet were also in the basket rendering it useless and there was nowhere to put my diaper bag. You can buy the saddle bag if you have the extra $$$.
Just as an FYI, if you have 2u2 like I did (16 months apart) DS kept sticking his fingers in the wheels! I couldn't drive the thing without watching him every second because he was fascinated with the wheels right next to him and kept sticking them in there. It is a much more convenient stroller for a baby 6m+ and a toddler. We ended up going with the BOB for these reasons and have no complaints other than it is a little on the heavy side.
Jacob 3.23.08 * Grace 7.22.09 * Eli 7.26.11 * Annabelle 1.18.14