Hi! I will be BFing (well, pumping at least) by next week. I'm getting so excited for them to be here!
I was wondering what your twin BFing diet is? I want to eat as healthy as possible and lose my baby weight, but I do not want to compromise any calories for the twins by any means. I just want to make sure that I am not over-eating or undereating.
Any tips would be AWESOME!
Re: To all the breastfeeders
I am still really hungry all the time and basically eat as much as I want, when Im hungry. I just make sure that the majority of it is good stuff. I eat alot of wheat toast with peanut butter, cheese cubes, fresh veggies pieces. I am also thirsty most of the day and I drink atleast 64 oz of water each day and 3-5 glasses of juice.
The only big difference between my pregnancy diet and now is that I don't have as many "splurge" things. Like when I was pregnant, I would chow down on a double cheeseburger or a milkshake and not bat an eye. I don't do that as much now.
From my experience, breastfeeding is a great way to lose baby weight. I lost 35 lbs in the first 2 weeks and have 3-5 left to lose.
I can't give you diet advice specifically as I really haven't researched it. But a couple quick tips. You are going to be so busy that you may forget to eat or put it off, so have a lot of healthy snacks on hand that are quick - I have a fruits, veggis, yogurt, cheese sticks, nuts, trail mix etc. THat way if I'm about to nurse, but hungry I just grab something and put it by me until I get them both latched on then I eat. Also drink a lot of water. I have a big plastic cup that has a lid and a straw and I am filling it up constantly.
Also, you said "BFing (well, pumping at least)," if you intend to just pump that's good but if you plan to BF and are saying pumping bc you think you might fail at BFing then definitely erase that thought from your mind. Yes, it may not work, but go into it knowing that it will. Put your babies to breast whenever they cry for the first several weeks to get your supply up. Plan not to supplement You may have to but if you go into it thinking you'll need to supplement then you probably will and then your supply will be low...it is a vicious circle. Sorry if that was more info than you asked for. GL!
Edited: I just saw that you are 33 weeks and said your babies are going to be here in a week. That's why you were saying, at least pumping. sorry for the extra info.
honestly, i didn't follow any diet per se, i just tried to get enough calcium and protein (and i kept taking a PNV ane extra calcium w/ vit D supps). i was always ravenous while EP;ing--so i found myself constantly snacking (just was easiest since it was hard to sit down to meals those 1st wks home).
i felt i ate like a horse, but i lost all the pg weight within a couple weeks of delivering. it takes a lot out of you (but glad i did it). my supply was in no way effected either when i started exercising 6.5 wks pp. i just ate more since i knew i was burning more calories on top of EP-ing.
Ditto this exactly! Baby carrots and clementines were two of my favorite go-to snacks.
i am always starving.
i gained 35, ive lost 30. but i was underweight to start so this is a better weight for me.
i wont lie...i eat a lot of dessert. (but after healthy meals). They say your baby will like foods that you eat often because it gets a taste of them in the milk...i always say my babies are going to love spinach, fish and cookies.
Make sure you have snacks and water lined up right in front of you or next to you whenever you get ready to sit down to nurse or pump. (And don't forget your cell phone, either.)
My favorite snack has been Larabars. Those are awesome. Good protein and absolutely no artificial anything in them.
You're going to have to make sure you really make an effort to eat whenever you can. You're going to be so busy that you'll forget.
I am still purposefully eating a lot (more than I normally did) and I'm down 6 pounds from my prepregnancy weight. Breastfeeding really makes you lose the weight quickly. I had lost all but three pounds of pregnancy weight by the end of the first six weeks.
my twins aren't here yet, but I BF'd DD for over a year, and all I have to say is eat what you want, whenever you can, and snack frequently. I was always starving, and unbelievably thirsty all the time. I had ice water with me at all times. My go to snacks were Luna bars, peanut butter sandwiches, bananas, and I ate vats of ice cream. I also drank a ton of milk.
BFing is probably the only activity where you burn a gazillion calories for sitting down. I can't even imagine the calorie burning when producing for 2.