Do they handle GD deliveries?
Do they circumsize the baby or does someone else?
Do they stitch you up if needed or does someone else?
Who would do a c-section if it was needed??
**Note- I have an OB... but the practice is LARGE and there is 1 MW in it... and go figure- when MY dr is out on vacation (the week after my EDD ugh!), the MW will be the one covering for her...
Not sure if I would schedule my induction with the MW or with a different dr (that I haven't met with yet)... since I HAVE to have an induction date scheduled due to my GD- but baby may come on his own at any point....
Re: Question about Midwifes?
well it sounds from your post that you will be delivering in a hospital.....which then there would be some doc probably supervising some parts of stuff, or take over for some parts ----like stitches, circ, or a c/s.
For me I am going with a MW outside of a hosptial, and everything that she can do is dictated by state law. She is allowed to give an episotomy, but no stitching. She has an RN on staff that can do an IV if needed. c/s means straight to hospital and the circ for us will be have to be done by our pedi. the MW also has rules about my condition and her still being able to see me outside of a hospital. My baby cannot be breech. If my water has broke, i only have 24hrs before I have to go to the hospital.
DD2 8.22.13
MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18
Well obviously I will be doing that... but that's another 1.5 weeks away... and I'm impatient.
I think it depends on the state laws but I know that my midwives will pretty much do everything except a c-section...I have been in the hospital on strict bedrest for 7 weeks and am being induced (for medical reasons) at 37 weeks but my high risk perinatologists are letting me switch back to my midwives for the delivery (since I will technically be full term even though I am still 'high risk') Most midwives have OB's they consult w/ and work w/ and for me my high-risk peri's are my midwives consulting OB's so I'm not worried at all
OB's are technically trained surgeons whereas midwives are trained more for 'normal' labors but Ive had friends who used midwives for inductions (which involved a lot of medical intervention: cervadil, cytotec, foley bulb, forceps, vacuum, episiotomy and the midwives did all of this for her)
ETA: As for circumscisions--I'm pretty sure this is always done by a pediatrician (or other dr.) I dont think your OB is ever the one to do this but I could be wrong
This is just how they do it at my practice but...
Do they handle GD deliveries? No, all high risk pregancies are delivered by the OBs
Do they circumsize the baby or does someone else? The OBs perform the circ.
Do they stitch you up if needed or does someone else? Again, the OBs do the stiching.
Who would do a c-section if it was needed?? An OB is called in if a CS is needed.
YOU WOULD BE LUCKY to birth with a are some of the advantages:
1. No study has ever revealed better health outcomes with women who deliver with OBs vs. Midwives.
2. SIGNIFICANTLY lower rates of c-sections with midwives vs. Obs. Average midwife rate is something like 2% vs. OBs average national at 31%. That is a HUGE difference.
3. SIGNIFICANTLY lower rates of interventions including forceps and vacuum extractor use, episiotomy, and others.
4. the knowledge of how to birth naturally and involve your mind and body (most OBs never get to see a natural/normal birth in medical school. they are surgeons trained to handle often times they treat birth like an emergency...and often times there are complications that are made by the interventions that would not have happened otherwise.)
5. Much more personalized attention. MWs usually stay during the whole birth while the Obs come in just at the end, deliver the baby and are gone.
I would not have an OB deliver unless I had a complication....I would Always go with a midwife. We are the only industrialized nation that has so few midwives delivering our babies. In most other industrialized nations 70+% of all babies are delivered by midwife. Here only 8% are and our safety ratings and mortality ratings for birth are the second WORST in the industrialized world. Think about it girls....the info is all out there! Don't be afraid of midwives delivering your is the oldest profession in the world.
Everything except surgical/c-section. My midwife stitched me up. They called in a dr only when ds' heart rate dropped just in case I ended up needing a c-section. But he came out fine.