I usually post on Parenting after a Loss - but Rachel&Joe let me know that alot of you ladies battle reflux as well. We are having a really tough time with Cole so I thought I would ask over here about this medication. We failed the Zantac trial and we have a repeat ultrasound to rule out pyloric stenosis tomorrow - we have had an upper GI and small bowel follow through as well and I am seriously at my wits end! TIA for the help!
Ok so we picked up the script today - I have a few questions...
1. How do you split the capsule, do you do it on a plate or cup?
2. Do you use the other half of the capsule for the next day?
3. How much apple juice or water do you mix in??
Thanks Ladies!
Re: *Rachel&Joe* or other Prevacid Mommies
1) I actually have a pill splitter. That worked a lot better than flinging half across the kitchen.
2) Yes. You'll need to, or you'll run out too soon.
3) I usually used a 10ml syring and sucked up probably 5-7cc of water then shook. Then I'd turn the syringe tip side down and shake the beads into the tip of the syringe and dispense. Then suck up another 2 or 3 cc, shake it down again and then dispense again.
It seems like a PITA at first, but you really do get used to it. And it works *SO* much better than Zantac.
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This exactly. You also want to make sure you use up the pill in sequential order (ie. if you cut in quarters use all the quarters one after the other before cutting a new pill, don't go cutting up all the pills at once). For three reasons you do this 1) As Trish said you'll run out too soon before your next script renewal, 2) the solutabs are the most evenly concentrated form of Prevacid, but even so when you cut it the little pink granules are not exactly evenly dispersed and you need to make sure that you give the full dose over time because it is time released medication, and the compound liquid version of Prevacid is even more unreliable as it needs to be shaken well and you can't guarantee the correct dosage each time with a liquid compound, and 3) the pink beads or granules are the most important part and so any crumbs you get you should save until the last dose and try to get them in the baby.
If your LO spits it out or you miss squirting in the cheek (always in the cheek never in the back of the mouth or on to the tongue or they will gag), try your best to get as much as possible on your finger and put it in your LO's mouth. Good luck, it's tricky and a PITA at first, but in a week to two weeks you will see improvement. And good luck on the GI testing, hope that it's all fixed with just a simple med.
it didn't work for our lo, so we were only on it for about a week. we used to quick dissolve tabs, and just mixed one in a bottle twice daily.( i don't remember exactly how much she was getting, but i remember it was 1/bottle at least once a day.) she didn't seem to care.
good luck!
You must have gotten the adult version of the drug. The pediatric version, called a soltab or a reditab, is a little tablet that dissolves very quickly in water.
mommamorris- prevacid should always be given on an empty stomach. That may be part of why it didn't work for you guys.
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