Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

cleaning person in Richardson?

Hey all-  we're 8 weeks from having our LO and I think ready to admit we need help cleaning the house!  I'm looking for someone who can come every 2-3 weeks.  Does anyone have an awesome recommendation?  Please include cost and your cleaning schedule if you don't mind.



Re: cleaning person in Richardson?

  • Email me and I'll give you my lady's info.

    alissabennett at sbcglobal dot net

     She comes twice a week.

    On Tuesdays, she cares for my kids, does laundry, dishes, and picks up. I pay 110 for 8 hours.

    On Fridays, she cleans the whole house. I pay her 65.

     We love her. She is a part of our family, my kids love her and she's reliable.  

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