Tennessee Babies

Are you trying?

Hello Ladies,

Just want to let you know about a research study conducted by Vanderbilt University available in multiple cities in TN.  Info below.  Thanks



***Available in Chattanooga, Knoxville, Memphis, and Nashville***

Are you or is someone you know trying to get pregnant?

Right from the Start is a research study of early pregnancy health at Vanderbilt University. To learn more about the study call us toll free at (866) 346-2684 or send an email to rfts@vanderbilt.edu with your name, phone number and times that you can be reached. We will not share your email address with anyone outside of the study. Visit our website at www.mom2be.org for more info.

Participants receive at no cost:
- Pregnancy tests for women who are trying to get pregnant
- Some women will complete diaries while they are trying to get pregnant. Women who complete these diaries will receive incentives.

We need your help. Women who participate in our study can advance knowledge by simply sharing information about themselves and their pregnancies. Please share this message with friends or family.

The principal investigator for this study is:
Katherine Hartmann, MD, PhD
Director, Women?s Health Research at Vanderbilt
Vice Chair, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
6th Floor, Suite 600, 2525 West End Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203-1738

The Right from the Start study and this message have received approval from the Vanderbilt Institutional Review Board on research involving human subjects, IRB# 070037


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