Trouble TTC

Short LH Surge

Is it possible to have an LH surge last less than 12 hours?

I tested yesterday at 4pm and it was -.

I tested at 10pm before bed which I read as +. (See below)


And I tested this morning (6:45am) to double check...and it was - again.


I'm being obnoxious about it because I'm scheduled for an IUI and this is my first time using OPK's so I don't know how long my surges are.

Do you agree that it was positive last night? And can surges really be that quick?

<3 Bumpie Veteran from December 2010 Mama's <3 -
BFP - TTC Cycle #6: Clomid + HCG Trigger + TI + Progesterone - EDD: 12/11
Beta #1: 4/1 - 51.5   Beta #2: 4/3 - 189   Beta #3: 4/6 - 778.9
AMH: 1.06  FSH: 10.7
DS: 11/2010 Clomid + HCG Trigger + IUI + Progesterone

Re: Short LH Surge

  • Definitely count that as a real positive.  If you called in, would they have you come in to see if it's a true surge?
  • Yep, the top is positive, the bottom is negative and they can definitely be that short :)  Good luck with the IUI!!  Is it today or tomorrow?
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  • You guys are amazing!

    I just called their answering service (since it's 7am) here, and they'll call me back before 9am to set up the appointment.

    Dang, I'm glad I tested last night on a whim before bed. I was sure I had missed it or it was never going to come!

    I thought the negative this morning was just the TTC gods screwing with me!

    <3 Bumpie Veteran from December 2010 Mama's <3 -
    BFP - TTC Cycle #6: Clomid + HCG Trigger + TI + Progesterone - EDD: 12/11
    Beta #1: 4/1 - 51.5   Beta #2: 4/3 - 189   Beta #3: 4/6 - 778.9
    AMH: 1.06  FSH: 10.7
    DS: 11/2010 Clomid + HCG Trigger + IUI + Progesterone
  • Good luck, BTW! :)

    For what it's worth, I was always told to test morning and evening.

  • imagesulfababy:

    Good luck, BTW! :)

    For what it's worth, I was always told to test morning and evening.

    I'm going to do that from now on. :) Thank you sulfa!

    :::runs off to stare at the dancing women to pass time::::

    <3 Bumpie Veteran from December 2010 Mama's <3 -
    BFP - TTC Cycle #6: Clomid + HCG Trigger + TI + Progesterone - EDD: 12/11
    Beta #1: 4/1 - 51.5   Beta #2: 4/3 - 189   Beta #3: 4/6 - 778.9
    AMH: 1.06  FSH: 10.7
    DS: 11/2010 Clomid + HCG Trigger + IUI + Progesterone
  • Very lucky that you checked! When's the IUI?? Good luck!

    It took 5 failed IUIs and a failed IVF, but our FET worked!
    My pregnancy after Infertility Blog
    Our baby girl was born on April 27, 2011!
  • imagekdodge423:

    The issue with this morning's may be that LH generally isn't metabolized while sleeping.

    Yay for the +. Godo thing you checked!


    Interesting point....maybe I'll test again before we leave for shiits and giggles.

    Currently waiting on the Dr.'s office to call back to give us our appointment time.

    Thanks for putting up with my over-analyzing impatient arse yesterday kdodge.

    <3 Bumpie Veteran from December 2010 Mama's <3 -
    BFP - TTC Cycle #6: Clomid + HCG Trigger + TI + Progesterone - EDD: 12/11
    Beta #1: 4/1 - 51.5   Beta #2: 4/3 - 189   Beta #3: 4/6 - 778.9
    AMH: 1.06  FSH: 10.7
    DS: 11/2010 Clomid + HCG Trigger + IUI + Progesterone
  • Mine are very short. My RE says to test with 2nd morning urine but before 10am and to not test int he afternoon but I test at 10am and 4pm estartind CD10 since my window is very short like yours as well. GL with the IUI!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
    BabyFetus Ticker

    TTC #1 since September 2008
    All tests normal
    IUI #1, 1/31 50mg Clomid BFN!
    IUI #2, 2/27 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel trigger BFN!
    Laporoscopy March 30th- diagnosed with mild very endometriosis
    IUI #3, 10/10, 2.5mg Femara BFN!
    Hip Surgery 12/10 and forced TTC break
    Diagnosed with gluten and dairy intolerance 12/10
    June: TTC with TI and 2.5 mg Femara
    IUI #4 & 5 Summer/Fall 2011 with Femara. BFN
    11/11 Diagnosed Compound Heterozygous MTHFR- 7.5 mg Deplin
    IVF #1 take 1- cancelled due to cyst
    IVF #1 take 2- ER Aug 29, 35 retrieved ET Sept 3- 1 beautiful embryo transfered. 11 frozen embryos (AKA snow babies)
    BFP Sept 11, 2012 :D
    Suffering from moderate OHSS
  • It is possible for it to be that short... but hopefully its time. Are you going to try to do the IUI today? My fingers and toes are crossed for you
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