Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

i had my baby :)

not sure if anyone here remembers me.... i was just starting to get to know some of you before i had my baby (had the strawberry shortcakes pic in my siggy)...and got to meet a few of you at the MNO in grapevine :)

so yeah, it's been 12 weeks since i had my baby but i've been busy getting adjusted to life as a mommy so i hope you'll all understand :) she was born on Nov 12 after about 24 hours of labor.... i pushed for about 15 min w/my epidural but didn't get anywhere b/c i couldn't feel anything...then pushed another 2 hrs w/o the epi and felt like i was going to die....then elected to just go for the c-section. that ended up being a good decision in the end b/c when i was in surgery my ob said that my pelvis was way too small for her to be delivered vaginally so i could have pushed and pushed and we wouldn't have gotten anywhere!! that's the short version of my birth story ;)

hopefully i'll have some more time to nest now that i'm getting the hang of things! hope everyone is doing well.  i wish this cold weather would go away! i'm ready for spring :)

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