Baby Showers

Game Ideas for a "Meet the Baby" party/Belated Shower?

So I offered to throw my older sister a baby shower before I knew that I was expecting too. My sister opted to have a shower after her baby is born instead of trying to cram our showers together (we are due only 24 days apart).

I am now co-hosting the "Meet the Baby" party/belated baby shower with our God Mother and she has asked me to come up with some game ideas.

I know plenty of games for "regular" baby showers, but am not quite sure of what games you might play at a shower when the baby will already be there?

 Any suggestions would be MUCH appreciated!

TIA :)

Re: Game Ideas for a "Meet the Baby" party/Belated Shower?

  • Honestly I would nix the game idea.  Meet the baby parties to me seem to be more informal than a regular shower.  I suppose a diaper raffle would fit in, but IMO it would be strange to have games there.
  • I think it may depend on the age of the baby.  If the baby is old enough you could do an "identify this facial expression"  if you have pictures of the faces he/she makes of dislike, shock, hunger, things like that.  The same thing with a "identify this cry"  if you had a recorder and speakers.  You could also do a sort of "pin the tail on the donkey" but a baby version where you could have your guests try to match the babies features to each of the parents to see who he/she more resembles.  And even though baby is already here I think the chocolate diaper game and the baby food game could still be appropriate. 

    I love games at parties :-)

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  • Most of the "meet the baby" or "sip and see" parties are more of an open house format / open flow.

    No need for games or any other formalities. 

    To be honest, your sister most likely won't want to have everyone there the entire time, she'll be exhausted.



  • I didn't think we would be doing games. I thought with meeting the baby and presents and brunch that we would be plenty busy - but my God Mom (lovingly known as Martha Stewart) is insisting on games...Maybe I can appease her with a "decorate a onesy" idea instead?....
  • My DD had her shower after her DS was born.  It was great.  Her BFF hosted it at my DD's house and it was so convenient.  It was not a meet the baby - it  was a there were defiintely games.  Basically they played a lot of games that are played at many showers.  Obviously they didn't do the "how big is mom-to-be's belly" since everyone in our circle thinks it is cheesy and some mom-to-be's are sensitive anyway about their bellies.  They had the "pair of bloomers" game, guess how many M&M's game, and a couple of others...can't remember what now though.

    The decorate the onesies is a fun one...did that at a shower.  It gets pretty expensive though.  I would maybe go with decorate bibs and use fabric markers not puffy paint.  The puffy paint took FOREVER to dry and some of the onesies got ruined.  Also make sure you have plenty of space to lay them out or hang them to dry.

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