They usually put mine in my elbow (well the inside area, not sure what that is called) because that is where the best access to my veins.
It's the AC or antecubital space. And I hate when I get patients from the ER with it here because every time they bend their arm, the pump alarms and the fluid stops.
~Married my best friend J March 2004~
~Mom to 2 busy boys~C-01.18.08 & L-03.23.10~
~Due with a little girl 02.06.13~
Hand or wrist. If it's in your arm (at the crease at your elbow) it will hurt/squeeze when you bend your when you're pushing. Hope that made sense.
You can request it where you want it as long as you have good veins. I had mine in my hand she tried for the wrist intially but it blew. Hand IVs can be a little painful. As a nurse I usually don't do hand IVs unless I must. My favorite place for an IV is in the forearm. You just don't want it in the bend of your arm (called the antecubital or AC) otherwise it will kink off and you won't get your fluid, the pump will beep, and the nurse will wake you up to staighten out your arm.
IF you look at my hands I have good veins. Try to stick me and you are SOL. I tell them they can't get my hands and to just put it in my arm. There is a difference between in your arm, which is somewhere between your elbow and wrist, and the crook of your arm, which is where you wouldn't be able to bend your arm because you would be preventing the fluid from entering. I actually prefer having the IV in my arm.
If you have great veins, they'll do it where ever the best one is. If your veins are iffy or hard to access like mine (tattoos cover them) they will try for your hand first. That way, if they fail miserably they can always move up to your elbow. If they fail at your elbow, where have they got to go?
Re: Do they put the IV in your wrist or your arm? (In L&D)
{Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
With my daughter they put it on the top of my hand
They usually put mine in my elbow (well the inside area, not sure what that is called) because that is where the best access to my veins.
It's the AC or antecubital space. And I hate when I get patients from the ER with it here because every time they bend their arm, the pump alarms and the fluid stops.
Mine went in my hand.
With DS it went in my left hand, since I'm right handed.