3rd Trimester

7lbs at 36 weeks?

Just had a sonogram because I was measuring big and they found out he's 7.14lbs already.  What's your guess, I deliver early or deliver a ginormous baby?
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Re: 7lbs at 36 weeks?

  • Both are possible! Honeslty, is 7lbs at 36 weeks really that big? In my "pregnancy week by week" book it says the baby should be measuring about 6.5lbs at 36 weeks.

    Your from the Hudson Valley, and due on 2/28? Same here! Where are you delivering?

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  • I'd start having a thai food/pineapple/sexfest the day you hit 37 weeks.

    That's my plan since I'm in the same boat with a big baby, and (bonus!) a small pelvis. 

    Oh, and to answer your question I predict that you deliver early, because wishful thinking certainly couldn't hurt ;).

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  • DS was estimated 7-1 @36w, delivered one minute past due date at 9 pounds even, which I think is around 85%ile. He never wore nb sized clothes! :) 
  • I am being induced on Monday because my LO weighed over 7lbs at 36 weeks and 8lbs last week. My family has a history of 10lb babies so my OB didn't want to chance it with my first. You could talk to your OB about scheduling an induction for size if you are concerned. I tried so hard to go into labor on my own and its just not happening.
  • DS was 8lbs 8oz when I had him at 37 weeks!  I was so glad I went early!  I'm sure I would have had a c-section had I gone a week later.  He got stuck behind my pelvic bone and I pushed hard for 2.5 hours to get him out!  They were discussing a c-section with DH the last half hour.
    Liam is 5!
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  • They said my LO is 6 lb 14 oz at 36 weeks, which is only two off from being 7 lbs. lol. Hopefully we will deliver early. Those things can be a little off though.
  • Remember that sono weight approximations are just that - approximations.  I have heard a million stories of people who were told their babies were huge and they had to induce and when the baby arrives, he/she is well over a pound smaller than they thought.  Take it with a grain of salt.  Most women who have c sections due to failure to progress are not because the baby is too big but because of an ob's timetable.  Better to let the little one cook a little longer and come out on their own, IMO.
  • imageknedell:
    Remember that sono weight approximations are just that - approximations.  I have heard a million stories of people who were told their babies were huge and they had to induce and when the baby arrives, he/she is well over a pound smaller than they thought.  Take it with a grain of salt.  Most women who have c sections due to failure to progress are not because the baby is too big but because of an ob's timetable.  Better to let the little one cook a little longer and come out on their own, IMO.

    This. . .

  • ginormous baby. 

    at 37w my baby measured 8lbs 15oz.  (i think it was off...but still holy sh*t) but he was still born at 39 weeks and was 10lb0oz!!!  (vaginal) so dont worry you can do it!!!

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