3rd Trimester


I have put my due date as 2/9/10 but not due until 2/16/10. I still haven't goten my completion coupon yet. My queston when did you get yours and if you didn't what do i need to do to get?

Re: BRU?

  • Call their CS dept and tell them you are about to shove a kid out of your vag in 7 days but you would like to save your 10% first, DUDE.
    someecards.com - I support Newt Gingrich's idea of colonizing the moon if it'll help me get away from Newt Gingrich.

    My baby is two!!! Baby girl 9/17/09

    My other baby is still a baby! Baby Boy 11-30-11

  • imagehaleymay18:
    Call their CS dept and tell them you are about to shove a kid out of your vag in 7 days?but you would like to save your 10% first, DUDE.

    ::spits coke on screen::


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • imagehaleymay18:
    Call their CS dept and tell them you are about to shove a kid out of your vag in 7 days but you would like to save your 10% first, DUDE.

    This... lol.  I'm due on the 18th and I got mine last week.

  • Sounding like a total moron right now I'm sure but what is this completioin coupon? Never heard anything about it. Plus just a side question - should I be in 3rdTri boards yet? I'm 26wks 3d but someone said I should be here and not in 2ndTri anymore.... someone help me..... no one wants me on their page.
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