3rd Trimester

anyone practicing relaxing techniques?

We've been doing the breathing from time to time, which seems helpful but it will be interesting to see how it relates when I'm really in labor... :)  But my latest favorite is consciously relaxing every muscle group, starting from the head and going down to the toes. It feels sooo good at night when I'm having a hard time falling asleep! I'm hoping practicing now will help down the line and will keep me from tensing up so much.

Do you have any techniques/tricks that you're practicing before labor? 

Re: anyone practicing relaxing techniques?

  • Look into the Bradley Method. Relaxation is a big part of it.
  • I don't have the patience for that lately. Embarrassed
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  • I'm really not a relaxation/breathing technique kinda person. I just don't have the patience or attention span, I don't even like yoga. But when I was in labor with my daughter I focused on the clock in my room, for some reason watching the minutes pass helped calm and relax me. I also had her pretty quickly, we were only there for about 2 hours, I pushed 4 times and she was out. So I guess I wouldn't have had time to worry about and techniques anyway.
  • I just finished my child birth classes. The instructor suggested taking a bag of ice and putting it on the back side of your hand and try to concentrate away from the pain of the cold/ice and breathe. I haven't tried this yet...
  • Yeah - those suggested in our Bradley class.  Another one that is works for me is envisioning colors in a certain order... hard to explain.  DH is very helpful as I'm not good at relaxing on my own.
  • we are doing that as we are going to do Hypnobirthing.
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