3rd Trimester

*~*AuNatuals Check-In*~*

AuNatural Birth Mamas Check-in Group

AuNatural Birth Mamas Check-in Group The purpose of this group is to motivate and encourage other moms trying to achieve their goal of having a med-free and/or intervention free birth experience. Our roster, birth stories and resources are currently linked in my bio, click there for more information.

I'll try to post a check-in everyday on the 3rd tri board with a link on the 2nd tri. Feel free to add links on any other boards you feel it might be useful. If you have suggestions or a question you?d like to see the group answer PM me and I?ll likely use it in the near future as I?m sure I?ll run out of questions. Remember, even if you've checked in and responded to the days question check back throughout the day to see what the other members are sharing.

If you're interested in joining the group just respond to any of the check-ins with your EDD, team and any information you'd like to share regarding your birth location or choice of method. If you have a birth story to share please send me the link too and I'll include that here in our roster information.


~*~If you have any questions you'd like asked, don't hesitiate to e-mail me at au.naturals@yahoo.com and I will use them on one of the daily check-in's; if you don't want your sn name posted by it let me know that as well and I'll leave annoymous~*~

Blog: www.thebumpaunaturals.blogspot.com


QOTD: What has been your favorite part of the pregnancy so far? Whether it be decorating or something about the pregnancy itself.

Re: *~*AuNatuals Check-In*~*

  • Hello, I'd like to be added: EDD 2/21/10, we're having a girl and a hospital birth.  Thanks!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Definitely feeling baby kick. Just the interaction of touching my belly and having the baby react - it's like we're communicating already even though we aren't really "touching." Does that make sense?
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
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  • My favorite part is experiencing all the wonderful changes my body has gone through and accomplished so far! I am amazed at what it can do and can't wait to experience birth!
  • I would like to join too!  My EDD is 6/14/10 with a girl.  I hope to have a water birth in the hospital.   One way or another it will be in the hospital.   
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Our Little Guy due 4/14/13 BabyFetus Ticker
  • The actual pregnancy has been a mix of emotions for me. I would say the best moment was our big u/s and now buying items and actually preparing for baby.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • We were originally Team Green but now Team Blue (Yes we caved lol) Can you change that on the blog whenever you get an opportunity? Also any chance you can post the codes for the cute badges you made?

    QOTD: my favorite part has been watching my belly grow and seeing the LO at the big US I feel like that made it real for me. It was at that point that I was like WOW I am going to be a mom in a few months.

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  • Hi!  I would like to be added to the list.  :)  My EDD is June 14; we're team green; and while I would love to use the Bradley method for this birth, I am still researching my options because the closest Bradley teachers I could find are about 2 hours away.

    QOTD:  My favorite thing so far has been the half hour or so at night when my husband talks and reads to my belly.  It just makes me feel so close to him and our baby!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • All new comers have been added! Welcome!

    AprilCachet- I changed your team & here are the links for the two badges I have made!


    (Just remove the * before adding it to your siggy)



  • My favorite thing has been feeling him move. I thought it would be weird, but every time I feel him move, even if he's kicking my bladder, it makes me so happy!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Listening to music with the baby.  He reacts SO strongly to music, especially music with a strong beat.  He has strong preferences, and kicks or moves differently with different types of music. 

    DH and I have had SO much fun "interacting" with the baby using music.  I can't wait to see if he is this interested in it when he's born.

  • I have loved feeling him kick.  I get so excited whenever he gets a big one in.  DH can't believe the belly action he sees and that fact that I just love it. 
  • Picking things out for baby has been my favorite thing and choosing to cloth diaper! Also, finally agreeing on a name and being able to refer to him by it. :)
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