Has it ever turned back upright or even breech? LO's head was down and ready last week, doc even felt her head...but now I'm worried that she's turned back upright again. Could that really happen?
I asked my MW about this because LO has been head-down since 22 weeks. She said it is very rare and she's never had it happen herself, but it is technically possible.
I was just told yesterday by someone that she was scheduled for a c-section due to LO going breech and when they went in for the last check before surgery LO had turned so she was able to have it vaginally. I've heard that unless the baby is really big and can't turn then it is still possible.
Re: If baby is head down...
I could happen - but I doubt it. After 36 weeks they don't have much room to turn all the way around like that anymore.
I was just told yesterday by someone that she was scheduled for a c-section due to LO going breech and when they went in for the last check before surgery LO had turned so she was able to have it vaginally. I've heard that unless the baby is really big and can't turn then it is still possible.