I have been putting off getting my teeth cleaned since I got pregnant, but I figured I better go before the baby gets here. This sounds so silly, but it's ok to go this far into 3rd tri, right?? (Such a 1st tri question I know) Someone posted about gum disease and bleeding and the correlation to still born babies (I try not to believe everything I read... but ya know). My gums ALWAYS bleed when I go to the dentist. Plus, lying on my back for that long is going to be a PITA!! So, sorry for the silly questions. Anyone going for a teeth cleaning after 36 weeks?
Re: Dental Cleaning late in pregnancy???
You'll be fine. Don't worry about your gums bleeding. There's some talk about periodontal disease and premature labor, but I've never heard the stillbirth thing. Both my parents are dentists and made it clear that this pregnancy was no reason for me to fall behind on my regular cleanings and checkups.
Thanks! I know I'm probably being silly, but I thought I would check! Plus... I hate going so maybe I am looking for a reason not to go, but I know I need to
Daughter #1 - February 12, 2010
natural m/c March 11, 2011 at 8 1/2 weeks
Daughter #2 - January 11, 2012
Ectopic pregnancy discovered November 6, 2012 at 6 weeks
Daughter #3 - January 19, 2014
Started our exploration into the world of international adoption June 2012. We have no idea what this is going to look like but we are excited to find out!
I kept up on my cleanings while pregnant. The hygenist didn't lean me back as far and kept asking if I was okay and if I needed a break. I do recommend that you tell them you are pregnant when you book the appointment and how far along you are. My office required a note from my OB clearing me for the cleaning.
My dentist won't see me in 3rd tri unless it is an emergency. She doesn't want me laying on my back (not just me, it's an office policy).
Really?? I did tell them when I called I was pg and due in a month and they didn't say anything about having a note from my OB.
I would definently go...from what I have read and heard from doctors, the danger is in NOT getting your teeth cleaned, therefore leading to gingivitis.
I went at about 3 mo. which puts me at 9 mo. for my 6 month visit. Yes, I bled more than usual but not a crazy amount.
Oh, and the chairs are pretty cushioned, and also angled, so it is not like lying flat on your back for a half hour.
I went a few weeks ago. No issues or problems. You just can't have x-rays.
I have my cleaning appointment in three weeks.
I just let my OB know I was going, and since I have a heart murmur, she wrote me a note okaying the antibiotic.