Have the restricted visiting rules been lifted everywhere or just here?
I was so excited on our tour to find out that the boys (12, 9, 7yo) can visit their little brother in the hospital. I hadn't heard that the restrictions had gone back to normal.
(Of course, XH still won't let them visit if it's on his time...)
Re: Kids visiting in hospitals
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)
Daughter #1 - February 12, 2010
natural m/c March 11, 2011 at 8 1/2 weeks
Daughter #2 - January 11, 2012
Ectopic pregnancy discovered November 6, 2012 at 6 weeks
Daughter #3 - January 19, 2014
Started our exploration into the world of international adoption June 2012. We have no idea what this is going to look like but we are excited to find out!
Nobody under 18 on the maternity floor at my hospital. Also all visitors have to go through a screening for temperature and a questionaire before they are allowed to enter. They give them a bracelet that is good for 24 hours.
Ours still has restrictions. No one under 12.
But, I was at the hospital last night and the nurse told me that depending on if there is a bleeding heart on staff that day/night they might let DS come up for about 15 minutes to say hi to mom and see the baby...but since he's only 3 she doesn't recommend it since it's hard to tell a 3 year old they have to leave after only 15 minutes.
This.. siblings are allowed if they're 14+ though.
Ours has restricted visitors to the grandparents of the baby only. No other visitors. My 30 yr old sister that still lives at home with my parents (she is Williams Syndrome - similar to Down's) isn't even allowed to visit. She is so bummed and keeps asking me to do something about it. I can't.
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