I was setting up LO's nursery and the brand of fan we bought was a "Dr. Mom" and DH said: "That's you!" I just about fell over!
I am very aware that I am pregnant, there is a baby in there and I'll be responsible for him forever. I got that. But, at random moments something triggers this grounding realization that in 10 weeks, I'm going to be a Mom and it just blows my mind!! (in a good way)
First time Moms, has it really sunk in for you yet?
Re: Holy crap! I'm gonna be a Mom!!!
LOL...I go through this almost everyday. For 8 years its been just DH and I and we were able to do whatever, whenever; and now we have a child on the way!
HOLY CRAP is right but I'm looking forward to it!
DH and I had a very similar conversation yesterday. I get it... but I don't. I don't think it will be really real until after she is born and we have her at home and she really becomes a part of our lives.
I feel the same way! I had that realization last night. I turned to DH in bed and said -- I'm freaking out! I'm going to be a mom!
I had this moment not too long ago...I was holding a friend's 3 month old, and she started wailing, so I passed her back to her mom. After I did that, I realized "Oh crap--I'm going to be the person everyone hands the crying baby back to!"
Yeah, I have those moments too. I was reading one of LO's baby books we got at the shower and wound up sitting in her closet crying my eyes out (my dog licking my face....she was either comforting me or liked the taste of my tears).
Its definitely starting to sink in. I wonder how it will feel when I hold her for the first time.
not sunken in yet... dont think it will until she is here, here and safe.
Oh I know. When my baby starts crying, someone will have to hold me back from taking him away from whoever is holding him! It was just the shock of realizing how my role is going to be changing. No longer the babysitter, but the Mommy! It's exciting and scary all at once (more exciting than anything though!)
I never had that moment with DS (weird, I know) I just knew he was coming and I was going to be his mom and it would be the best adventure ever.
But, I always assumed (for some reason) that I would have all boys. I want four kids and I realize the odds of having all four boys were slim, but I had convinced myself. So, to this day, I still kind of panic and think, "I have to raise a girl!!!" lol
it's kind of fear and excitement mixed all together.. I had an anxiety attack last week because I was going on mat leave... and said ohh crap it's really getting closer for an outside baby!!