3rd Trimester

What about measuring large?

I just got back from my 32 week appointment and am measuring a little large. I'm having a u/s at my next appointment just to see why, but I'm curious if you were/are measuring large, do you know the reason?

My guess is this baby is high up because it has been a LONG time since I've felt movement low down. 

Re: What about measuring large?

  • ::raises hand:: I know the reason, though - a 10cm fibroid!! Confused
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  • It could be extra fluid or a big baby... normally it isnt a big deal.
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  • For me it was my pre-pregancy belly.  I've "measured" large twice so far and the u/s shows that she is dead center on target for size.  At my last u/s they also metioned that I have a good amount of fluid.  I wouldn't let it bother you since that stuff can vary from person to person.
  • I measured 2 weeks ahead my entire pregnancy with dd, and when she was born, she was only 6lbs 5oz.  So, don't worry, measuring big doesn't always mean big baby!  It could have been a ton of other reasons....
  • Oh, I'm not too worried, I was just curious what the cause (if there was one) for most people seemed to be.

    I'm actually kinda excited to get an unplanned u/s to see LO!  

  • my LO is measuring big, especially his belly.  i'm waiting to hear back from dr., but i'm assuming he will just be chubby or the measurements could be off.
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  • I had a growth u/s at 29 1/2 wks because my belly was measuring large....LO was 4 lbs Surprise (the average for 30 weeks is 3lbs)...so yeah...big babies run in my family my mom's were 9, 91/2 and 10..so i believe that is the reason, i passed my 1 hr glucose test and my fluid is normal
  • I measured slightly ahead at my 38 weeks appointment.  We go in for an ultrasound in 2 days to see if she is getting big or maybe I am carrying some extra fluid.
  • At my 30 week appt she said I was measuring at 33 weeks so I have an U/S next week to see if I have a lot of fluid and to see how big he is- I am excited to see him again!
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  • I am measuring big b/c I have extra fluid and a big baby, per an U/S at ~31 weeks.  My next growth u/s is in two weeks.  I've been measuring big since late in 2nd tri.  Yesterday at my 34 week I was measuring 38 cm; normal is plus or minus two centimeters according to the week your at (32 - 36 cm for me at 34 weeks).  Doctors are not concerned at this point.     
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