DH worked with a guy about 5 years ago (before we were dating) and both this guy and the guys wife are DH's FB friends.
I've never met either one of them. Now the wife has requested to be my FB friend.
Seriously? Awkward.... she's been "pending" for a few days now... I'm not sure what to do with her, lol
Re: Do DH's friends try and friend request you on FB?
Oh I have one even better! DH doesn't have a FB account and his exgirlfriend from when he was a junior in HS friend requested me and I have never met her, spoke to her nor do I ever want to. (maybe I should add in here that DH and I have been together since we were seniors in HS so this was his last serious gf before me) I was on fire when I saw that she had requested me, I immediately denied it and then blocked her nosy a**.
And, I let people hang in limbo forever, I have like 15 people right now that I can't decide on. LOL
yes but I'm friends with them, too.
If someone I had never met wanted to be FB friends I would think that was weird, though.
If I'm also friends with them, yes, if not, no. My distant cousin (who I don't even know!) tried to friend DH last week and he said no. Why would you be friends with someone you don't know? This always irks me. It's like people are trying to have a certain amount of friends. If I don't know you, why do I care about your pictures or status updates???
I say delete her.
I get my little sisters friends requesting me all the time. I've met them before but I it's kinda weird. I think they just want their friend number to go up so they look popular lol.
If I'm not good friends with someone then I decline. I have pictures on there, I don't want people who are basically strangers looking at my stuff.
Yeah, I'm not accepting her...it's just random. If I don't know you IRL (Or on The Bump, lol) I don't want you on my FB! lol