The baby name post below got me thinking...
My DH is a junior. Jokingly, way back when we first found out we were expecting, he mentioned a "Jr. Jr" . (yes, we know he'd be a "third" not a "Jr Jr", but it makes us laugh.) Now, I'm not so sure he was joking. I kind of vetoed it because he always seemed to be kidding around about it, although we are passing on his middle name for sure.
Fast Forward to now when we can't agree on a first name...I wonder if he's holding out for his "Jr."?
Does your S/O wants to pass his name to his son?
Re: Does your S/O want a "Jr"?
TTC #2 July 2014
Me: 35 DH: 36
FF Chart
DD1 Feb 2010
My DH did not. His dad and brother are Mike and Mike Jr. and there was always confusion in their house. Phone calls or mail would get mixed up, their credit reports even got mingled at one point and they had quite a hassle cleaning that up.
We are just using DH's middle name for our LO.
In general though, we think the kid should have his own name, though the name we chose is somewhat related to DH's name.
When we first found out I was expecting he said, "No", but as wer got closer to finding out the sex he was dropping little hints. I will 100% veto that idea. I would give my daughter his name as a middle name and spell it different. His name is Corey for my daughter it'd be Kori.
We are Team Green, but if it is a boy there will be no Jr. DH did not want a child named after him, but in our list of choices there are a couple that would give a son my DH's first name as his middle name. We also have a possible girl's name that has my first name as a middle name.
No Junior here. It's not my thing and thankfully not DH's.
RSVP Date: 2/28/2011
No. DH has his father's first name as his middle name, and DH's brother has DH's first name as his middle name. I was afraid DH would want to continue and have our son's middle name his brother's first name but he doesn't, thank goodness.
Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)
If our LO would be a boy (which we're pretty sure with 9,000 U/Ss she isn't), he would take his Daddy's American name. My hubb's name is Panagiotis (Greek - Pana-YO-tees) and in English, we all call him Peter. He didn't want a Panagiotis because he hated his name in school and always had to correct his teachers, so we'd do a Peter.
He doesn't want a Jr. just to have a Jr, though... he wants a Jr because he believes that a child lives up to their name and is ego-centric self says that all Peters are strong and perfect, lol
Well since my DS is technically my SS, he already had DH's name when I met DH, so I had no choice in the matter. I would NOT have made him a junior though, had it been my choice. Since we call my DH Matt & my DS Matthew, there is some differentiation as to who we are talking about at home, but that will change soon enough. At school they call DS Matt, so when his friends call, I am sure they will ask for Matt.
It's a shame, because DH said he wasn't even pushing for a "Jr", they just couldn't decide on a name... so that was it. I'm of the feeling that each child deserves their own name. We are using my stepdad's name for this baby's middle name, but I feel that that's a lot different from using it as a first name.
DH is a Jr., and he wants a third if it's a boy. I don't.
We are butting heads about this.
DH is David the 8th.
This baby will be David the 9th. I can't mess up something that's been going on for 200 years.
I feel the same way my DH is the 5th so I really have no say in the matter when we do actually have a boy. I think his family would murder me if I didn't let it happen or if I changed it. lol