I work in politics. We had a total leadership turnover in the November election whi for me meant new bosses on Jan 1. As a new hire and now friend of the old regime, I knew my job would be in jeopardy. I'm just finding dealing with the scrutiny and stress very difficult (you sure do take a lot of pee breaks... And look, you arrived 10 minutes late the day of that snowstorm,did you ever make it up?) I thought I could put up with it until LO arrived, but today I just want to sit here and cry. I wish shed hurry up and arrive!!
My Signature won't work! I am a proud mommy of two (1&3) and starting an adventure to help a family having a baby through surrogacy.
***My Surrogacy Blog***
Re: elder whine
There are so many people in this world that don't understand the ins and outs of pregnancy or who lack empathy all together. I had a boss like that when I pregnant with my DS. She didn't have kids and couldn't fathom why on Earth I'd be needing to snack all the time. I kindly told her that if she didn't want me puking on her accounting reports that I needed to nibble on something almost continuously.
Needless to say that job didn't stay with me long, but it made my skin a little bit thicker to the corporate types that choose not to have kids. I understand it's a choice, but respect mine for choosing to add to my family.