3rd Trimester

Did you second guess baby's name?

Since before we got pregnant I really liked the name Reid for a boy.  When we found out we were having a boy I was excited and thought for sure my husband and I would name our son that.  Well, my husband wouldn't commit to the name until last night (I'm 39 weeks)  We went over other name possibilities and while there aren't any that I really like better for some reason it worries me that we didn't decide on the name a long time ago.  With our first son we knew what his name would be shortly after we found out he would be a boy.

Have any of you been second guessing the name you picked out?  Could it just be jitters/excitement of the big day coming? 

Re: Did you second guess baby's name?

  • We haven't even been able to settle on one yet.  I've started calling him "Baby No Name". 
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  • I'm still not 100% sure on our girl name (we're team green).  Boy name was easy...but we're waiting until baby gets here to decide on a girl name for sure (if it's a girl)
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  • Before I got PG...DH and I always planned on naming our first girl Sydney Madison.  As soon as we found out we were having a girl, we no longer liked Sydney.

    Our LO is now Olivia Taylor

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  • I kinda did with my DS#1. We named him Dakota james. I really wanted to Give him the middle name Lynn because both my middle name and DH middle name is Lynn...But I thought with Dakota being a unisex name it was too girly. Now with this LO we picked Hunter Lee. Lee is DH grandfathers middle name who has cancer. I really wanted to keep the boys middle names the same and go with Hunter James. My son really wants his little brothers middle name to be James too, But I dont think DH is Gonna budge on this one!
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  • As soon as we found out it was a boy my husband pressured me into sitting down with him and picking a name right away. He likes to talk to my belly and wanted to call our son by a name.

    We did that and agreed on Nathan. Then, i find out a close family friend didn't tell anyone they were expecting and had a baby and named him Nathan.. So for a while i have been second guessing it, but my DS rubs my belly and talks to 'baby nayfin' so i know its the right name for us.

  • We are team green and haven't decided on a boy or girl name yet.  We are planning to have a few ideas and decide once the baby is born.  I think it would be hard to not second guess the name, but maybe that's just me.  I worry that we'll name our baby and I won't like the name a year later.
    It took 3 1/2 long years, but we finally got our little miracle!
    IVF #1 - BFP (6dt)
    Unassisted Pregnancy #2 - lost at 15w6d due to T21, severe heart defects, and fetal hydrops

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  • Our girl name is 100% set. But, our boy name middle name is still up in the air. I think we're just going to decide once Lucas is born! :)

    It's hard though. I do ask myself whether or not Elena and Lucas are the names we want to name our children forever!

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  • We had our names picked out before we ever even got pregnant.  But my husband has a family name, and we just continued the name - hubby is the third, baby will be the fourth.  A friend of ours had a baby last year though - their 4th - and they didn't have a name picked out until 2 days after the baby was born. 

    It is probably just jitters and excitement though.  One of the things we helped with when our friends were having their baby is coming up with all of the possible nicknames for their baby and making sure that there were no cruel possibilities - remember kids can be cruel!

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  • dd was going to be carter if she were a boy so when we found out that we were pregnant again, carter was a no-brainer and we just had to pick out a girl's name.  then i started to second guess carter.  we tried to pick another name and i never like anything as much as i liked carter, so if lo is a boy he's a "carter".  my advice is to go through the name book/webpages again, it will help you cement whether you like the name or not. 
  • Our baby has been Adam since we found out at 14 weeks it was a boy. Adam Samuel is undeniably his name.
    Your little hands wrapped around my finger and its so quiet in the world tonight Your little eye lids flutter cause your dreamin so I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light To you everything's funny, you've got nothing to regret I'd give all I have hunny, if you could stay like that Oh darling dont you ever grow up, dont you ever grow up, just stay this little Oh darling dont you ever grow up dont you ever grow up, it could stay this simple I wont let nobody hurt you, wont let no one break your heart, no one will desert you Just try to never grow up imageimage Pregnancy Ticker Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • We have our names narrowed down to two - but we are pretty sure which one we are going to use.  I'm packing the baby names book and the long list of names we liked in the beginning to bring to the hospital just in case though. 
  • nope once we picked it we pretty much fell in love with it.
  • I have always loved the name Chase for a boy.  When we found out we were having a boy, I gave DH the option of naming our LO after him.  He decided that he did not want a Jr. and that he would rather our LO just use his middle name.  He also like the way Chase sounded with our last name and his middle name fits perfectly.  We have a Chase Allen M. on the way and have not waivered since deciding :-)
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  • I've always had a few names in mind, but when we found out we were having a boy, it came down to two names, neither of which we ever considered - EVER.  It was really odd.  We've settled on one (not a middle name yet though), and I ended up finding out that DH's best friend is having a kid, and is using the name I would've picked out when I was younger - Jeremy, though they picked Jeremiah, and for some reason nicknamed him Jem.  You know... like the pink haired rockstar doll from the 80s.  Poor kid.

    I'm really happy with what we picked, though I know our families will dislike it - it can sorta be viewed as ethnic, but we picked it because it is another version of DH's name, and it was a good alternative to honoring DH without making the kid be a Jr.
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  • We were sure of our 2 boy name options from the very beginning, but we didn't "decide" until Christmas time (around 30 weeks).  Which is very strange--both of us always liked one over the other.  Heck, I've wanted a baby boy named Sam my entire life.  I don't know why we hemmed and hawed as long as we did--I think we just wanted to be really, really sure.  And now we are!

    Samuel Ward.  Our Sam. 

  • I even second guessed DD's name in the hopsital after she was born (and we had decided on her name VERY early on). GLad we stuck with it though. My Maria is a perfect little Maria. :)
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  • imagelmpdjc:
    We haven't even been able to settle on one yet.  I've started calling him "Baby No Name". 

    This.  We have narrowed it down, but I doubt we'll finalize it until we see here.  I fondly call her Unnamed Baby Girl at the moment.

    ~DD born 3-25-10~DS born 6-5-12~
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  • We are having a boy and haven't 100% decided on a name yet.  We have one in top contention but I keep thinking there is another name out there that will fit him better. 
  • This is the first time I'm actually posting (have lurked for almost 9 months!) but I just had to so I could say that Reid is an awesome name!

    We are naming our LO Reid and it took us FOREVER to decide.  Yes, I have second-guessed it but now that we've been calling him that for a few months and his name is on nursery stuff, etc., it feels set in stone. I really love the name.  Yay for Reid! :)  

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