I know! Is anyone else feeling anxious about it? I feel like I was more eager to deliver 2 weeks ago than I am now. At this point I'm strangely focused on the pile of work on my desk and getting it done before my LO arrives. ...Ok, "focused" isn't the right word because I think about the baby almost exclusively, but I'm distracted from the fun of her imminent arrival by the mundane tasks on my plate.
I remember when I found out my BFP, I thought that February was far away and here we are now! I just hope my lil diva doesn't arrive fashionably late! lol
Re: Congratulations to all the 37 weekers!
I'm so ready for this little girl to decide to arrive.
Maybe I don't have a heightened sense of smell, but I've never smelled any vagina on my pants. -- TSD
Bloggity Blog - You know you want to...
I remember when I found out my BFP, I thought that February was far away and here we are now! I just hope my lil diva doesn't arrive fashionably late! lol