3rd Trimester

What are you doing the final days/weeks of your pregnancy?

So I have a week and a half until my EDD and I don't know if I should rest as much as possible or go out and do as many things as possible.  What are you doing at the end?  On one hand I know I should rest (I am definitely tired) but on the other hand I know I won't be running around very easily for a while after I have my LO. 

What are all of the elders up to? 

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Re: What are you doing the final days/weeks of your pregnancy?

  • Sunday has usually been my day of rest. I don't even get out of PJs most Sundays. But I'd have to say, I'm doing a lot more than I thought I would at this time - basically knowing I won't/can't once LO is here. I'm making sure I return/exchange all items I need to (before it's too late), tidy the house, run any other misc. errands, etc. I'm probably wearing myself out (I'm exhausted), but I'm also trying to hurry this baby along! Walk, walk, walk!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • I'm working until I'm 38 weeks. Then I have a whole bunch of things set up to do... I'm getting a pedi, going to a matinee movie with my FIL, meeting my Mom for lunch, going for dinner with friends, running errands, going shopping, etc.

    I want to keep busy and do some "me" stuff too since it'll be a long time before I get to do that so easily by myself again! 

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  • With DD#1 I just rested, and I didn't even make it to 37wks! With this one, again I'll be resting as much as I can with a toddler, hoping I don't go into labor while DH is away for work....
  • Waiting.. haha

    I'm stuck home with no car. If and when you have the energy get out and do something! If you stay in all the time and go later than your EDD you will most likely go insane!! Trust me! Tongue Tied

    But today.. it's laundry! And willing my water to break haha

  •  I'm working up until D-Day so by the time I get home at nights, I'm beat.  This past weekend I cleaned like crazy, but then on Sunday, I paid for it and felt horrible.  Walking every day helps get me moving and helps the back pain a little.  Other than that, I'm just going with the flow!!!
  • I just finished cleaning the car seat. Currently, I am trying to assemble a new cover for it. If I succeed, I will post pictures.

    Otherwise, I keep up with the laundry, help cook, and work on my class work assignments.

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  • I've been resting because I get tired quickly. But I'm still trying to cram in some fun outings too. DH and I have made sure to go to dinner, I meet up with girlfriends, etc., since I figure in the weeks right after the birth, I'll be at home.

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • The past few weeks I have been doing baby prep stuff non-stop every single weekend- showers, returning gifts, laundry, cleaning, building furniture, you name it.  And I am still working so during the week I don't get home until close to 7:00, then I'm exhausted after dinner.  I hit 39 weeks this Saturday so I'm declaring it a weekend of doing whatever I want.  I have a breastfeeding class one morning but then I'm getting a pedicure, going to the mall to wander around, and sleeping as much as I can.  Next week I'm working from home so I'm hoping that will be relaxing too, and maybe allow me to do the last few little things I want to get done before the baby comes. 
  • i have usually a task a day that i try to complete. (laundry, tidy a room, thank you cards). Besides that I am just way to sore and tired to do much else. When I'm just sitting I tend to knit so that I feel like I am being productive in some manner.

    I have become pretty useless.

    Dear Baby,

    You are breaking me. Please get out so I can love you and share you with others!! 

  • Well, I'm working for another 7 weekdays, then I'll be off.  I think that last week (if I make it!), I'll just relax.  Make sure everything is ready!  I'm not sure I'll be able to rest because I am constantly on the go, but I'm going to try!
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  • I have a ton of errands & cleaning I am doing this week. I've purposely left the next 2-3 weeks open with the exception of President's day, I have plans to see a movie with some girlfriends who will be off work for the holiday!
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