you know, the boot, temporarily or permanently. It was suggested I change the title...anyway, I wish nothing but luck to all of you and tons of labor dust to those in need...including myself lol. If you're curious, just scroll down the posts...
Also, I have facebook...first name Casey went to Eastern IL Univ. My pictures match up...anyway, we'll see!
If not, good. If was worth it but I really would have let it rip.
Re: If I get it...
Ehhh, I saw what you were referring to... If you get banned over that, it should definitely only be temporary.
After all, it's not like you called anyone a cvnt. Lol
This. I did way worse and only got banned for like a week.
I doubt you'll get banned over calling her a b*tch.
True...IDK how banning even works. I just figured I'd say my farewells just in case. How are you?!
Yeah, b!tch =/= cvnt. Lmao.
Of course, I got permabanned for the expose, which was simply a post full of facts that had been previously posted. So... who knows? It could happen!
Proud Mama to Mickey (12.03.09) and Nemo (06.06.13)
Yes, NannyAnnie got permabanned, along with her silver (would now be GOLD!) status.
It was a sad day.
It has nothing to do with the all honesty. I know everyone has their own style and thank God we're all different. However, she's referring to a post I made Saturday evening. My BF left his FB logged in and when I went to get into my messages, I realized it was his so I just creeped around. Was a wrong to do so--yes. I found that in November he messaged a waitress we had at a restaurant. It was pretty flirty and he knows how unacceptable it is. We discussed it and it is over. My point is and the reason I called her a biitch was because my post about the shirts (ps--BF and I are waaay cheesy lol, that's why we work) had nothing to do with my post from the other was just a low blow on her part.
She thinks Shell is a b*tch because Shell said probably the b*tchiest comment I've read today.
You musta missed baby's post a few days ago about Baby's BF contacting a waitress over Facebook. Shell bringing that back up and using it against Baby is a superb*tch thing to do. Shell deserved being called a b*tch and I'm sure if the mod reads the whole post, she will shrug her shoulders and say Shell had it coming. I would.
That would be thinking that mods use their brains when moderating... Not in my experience. :P
Yeah, I was going to say I'm not sure that's how things work around here.