It must be hormones, but things that normally do not bother me are driving me crazy! I was going to have dinner tomorrow night with 3 of my neighbors/friends. One of them has asked that we leave at a certain time, be home by a certain time (so she can watch Lost) AND invited 3 other people to come along. This is really no big deal, but it has me so irritated. Are there things that are annoying/ bothering you?
Re: What irritates you??
Wow, that's really lacking in social skills to actually admit you need to get home to watch telly! Either A: get a recorder or dvr or B: don't admit you put fantasy/crappy shows ahead of friends.
I am irritated by people who just don't have common sense. Eg. one of my employees who waited until 4:15 to call tech support... so when they called back promptly of course I ended up having to stay late to deal with her tech issues because she can't express her needs well. Thanx for that. That's why you call them in the middle of the day, not the end.
People who ask "well isn't that your job".... if you have to ask...
Everything. Seriously! Things that would not even make me think twice before pregnancy makes me cringe now.
My roommate leaving her dishes in the sink or leaving a mess. Nate throwing his crap everywhere and leaving it for ME to pick up. Anybody touching me (which always bothers me but is even worse now). If I am in class and people are talking, I want to fling my pen at their heads.
She has been driving me crazy! Seriously, why would she even admit that? Also, why not just say "hey guys I am driving separately", and not try to make people come and go when you want. Another example of lack of common sense!
I think this should be... what doesn't irritate you?
Seriously I am constantly on edge. And totally with pp on the beard thing! Condition the d@mn thing! It's scratchy!
M/C Dec 2010 - 5w5d Missing my sweet angel baby.
#1 when people make any comment related to my size
#2 when people say "oh you're going to leave the hospital in your prepregnancy clothes". i mean honestly, how likely is that!! not very in my opinion. PLUS i feel like its almost EXPECTED that i will drop the weight immediately. i know its petty but it irritates me.
My job. Teaching can be wonderful and everything [insert puppies and rainbows here] but, let's be real, it requires a super-human effort these days to muster the energy it takes to do it well.
And stairs. Eff stairs.
When acquaintances say "Wow, your pregnancy has really flown by!"
Maybe for you, it has. For me, it feels like an eternity.
My coworker and I were just having this conversation! I hate it that they discuss how my office will run and who will do what when I am gone. I am a total control freak, and I dont want people to touch my stuff!
But my biggest irritation now it sex. Its no fun, it doesn't feel good, its basically a chore. Before I was pregnant, we had sex three to four times a day. Now I cringe if we have to do it once a week. I hate it, and I hate that I hate it. I just want to return to my decent body, and enjoy sex again. I miss the intimacy too! Theres nothing like that after sex cuddle, I dont care how much you love each other. A back rub is not the same!!!!
With all that said, I dont want Lily to come too early just because her nympho mother is feeling a little put out!