3rd Trimester

I'm thinking Wednesday...

So 2 people have told my baby that he can't come on Wednesday.  My co-teacher has to travel out of town for  a funeral, so she has given me orders to keep my legs crossed. My husband is anxiously awaiting college football signing day on Wednesday, so he has told baby Nolen to hold off on coming.  Buahaha, I think those two are going to jinx it, and we'll end up having a baby that day :)

Anyone else having people tell your baby when NOT to come? 

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Re: I'm thinking Wednesday...

  • Yup! ME! :) My husband bought tickets to a ballet to surprise me for my birthday. Awww...how sweet! BUT they are for exactly TWO weeks before our due date!! So, Baby can't come until AFTER Feb. 19th. ;)
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  • DH has an internal conflict about the day he wants LO to arrive.  On the one hand he's going for the 7th because (a) its a Sunday; and (b) he was born on the 7th (of June... on a Sunday).  But then its also the Super Bowl so he doesn't want to miss it... fortunately the Pats aren't playing so its not as big of an issue as when we first figured out our due date.

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  • I do not want LO to come on April 1st (april fools day) which is only a few days before my EDD (April 3)
    Aug. 15 - Jan. Siggy Challenge "Mean Girls" Mona Vanderwaal Pretty Little Liars  Image and video hosting by TinyPic

  • My SD (we have a close relationship) told me to keep my legs closed while he's in England visiting family, he'll be home Feb 14th. My mom would llllooooovvvveeee the baby to come on her birthday the 15th. And DH would be thrilled (along with his family), if LO came on the 23rd his & SILs birthday. So I am telling LO any day is fine with me EXCEPT those particular dates.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
  • I have the opposite problem. Mom b-day was Jan 29, friends is Jan 31, co-worker is Feb 3, comadre is Feb 5 and another friends is Feb 7th. They are all vouching for their b-days.
  • My only request is not April Fool's Day.  =)  6 days before my EDD.  My sisters are requesting to have her on a Friday.

    BFP #1 October 2008 | m/c Thanksgiving weekend | November 2008 | 7 weeks 2 days
    BFP #2 February 2009 | m/c March 2009 | 4 weeks 3 days
    Testing on mom and dad for possible reasons all came back normal.
    BFP #3 8/4/2009 | DD born 3/28/10 @ 38 weeks
    BFP #4 5/13/11 | m/c 6/15/11 | 8 weeks 6 days
    BFP #5 2/13/13 | CP 2/19/13 | 4 weeks 
    BFP #6 3/21/14 | Heard the HB on 4/16 | m/c 4/21/14 | 9 weeks
    Testing results all returned normal and baby was a GIRL.
    More testing on mom and dad for other issues all returned normal results.
    BFP #7 10/15 | DS born 6/4/16 @ 36 weeks 
    BFP #8 9/28/17 AHHH!!!  |  EDD 6/6/18

    "Dear Lord, I would have loved to have held my babies on my lap & tell them about you, but since I didn't get the chance, would you please hold them on your lap & tell them about me?"
    All are welcome!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • No Feb. 5 (my birthday), no Feb. 7(Super Bowl) and no Feb. 14(Daytona 500), although that i my EDD. So there's a week in there for optimal arrival!
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My sister is really against me having the baby in her "birth week" as she calls it. She was born the 26, and told me if I have it anytime in that week i will be disowned. Ahhh sisters.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    M/C Dec 2010 - 5w5d Missing my sweet angel baby.
  • Yep! My dad's birthday and parent's anniversary is on Feb. 14 and my husband and mom's birthday is on Feb. 17. I have been ordered to avoid those days...and I'm hoping she comes around then, just for laughs :)
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  • Yes...my MIL asked to not let the baby come last Thursday because she was out of town on business. I kinda thought the same thing...that he WOULD come then just because she said that. But Thursday came and went and no baby!
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