3rd Trimester

Borderline pre-e?

Has anyone here had this in the past or have it now? What was/is your experience, please?

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Re: Borderline pre-e?

  • I have pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) so I am not borderline pre-e yet. I am on bed rest until 37-38 weeks and then they will induce me. I hope my bp stays where it is but it keeps going up.
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  • I was diagnosed with mild pre-e with my first pg.  I had extreme swelling - maybe around 37 weeks - I actually gained 12 pounds in one week!  I did a 24 hour urine capture at some point and then at my 38 week, I was put on bedrest.  It helped and they let me go back to work but at my next appointment, they scheduled an induction.  I went in at 7am on Thursday, the Pitocin was hooked up at 9am and I had my dd at 4 am on Friday :|  I 'm hoping for a different result this time!  I should say - I'm hoping for a better labor.  I happened to like the result :)
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  • I have hypertension and elevated proteins, but the proteins aren't high enough for pre-e diagnosis.  So, no pre-e yet, but they are watching me closely.  For me it means strict bedrest, bp meds., twice a week NSTs and once a week BPPs, plus I've done 24 hour urine samples weekly until this week.  I'm also seeing a perinatalogist every other week.
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