OK..I'm no Ceaser Milan and I could be reading more into this than I should, but I also self diagnos myself when I'm sick so it's normal for me to think I know what I'm talking about and be wrong...lol
My boxer is just over a year old and usually behaves pretty well! yeah we get the occasional dip into the garbage can or she pulls a library book off the table & chews the cover but never anything too bad.
This weekend she ate FIVE hairbrushes out of the bathroom, snatched my husbands new designer shirt off the kitchen table & dragged it around the house TWICE in 1 day. And now that the nursery is set up, she's taken the stuffed bear out of the crib and gone off to play with it!
Has anyone dog started to act up a little more as you've gotten to the end of your pregnancy? I've heard it's possible but I hadn't experienced it. My good little girl is turning into a pain in the ass right now!!!
Re: Is your dog acting out?
Our dog hasn't been acting out in the ways you've mentioned, but I have noticed a distinct change in him especially since we started setting up the nursery. He's just really forelorn and starved for attention... He's mastered the "puppy look" and gets super excited if we even just say his name. It's like he knows a big change is coming and fears he won't get any attention once LO arrives.
He has been really cute with coming up to me and plopping his head on my belly though. He even put his paw there one time and then gave me a strange look when LO kicked him - Too cute!
Piper, 4/10/10
Connor, 3/16/15
Morgan, EDD 9/22/16
No, our dog is acting his normal "do ta do" self...just clueless. But, have you guys been unintentionally ignoring her without realizing it? I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in what we're doing, particularly with all of the baby excitement, we forget our furry babies need some attention too. I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong at all but it might be worth thinking about your (you and DH) behavior lately and see if there's any pattern there.
You'd think we were totally ignoring her by the way she's acting but shes such a NEEDY little thing that you HAVE to pay attention to her. I know we've been good about keeping up with her "I need affection" moments. It's just weird. She must know somethings coming.
My dog has acted more during my pregnancy than she ever has before - including her puppy stage. For starters, she's figured out I'm larger and slower than I used to be. That means she can run around me in circles and I won't be able to catch her. It also means that I can not physically get down on my hands and knees and get her out of her crate so she'll hide in there (why? I don't know! Normally I just want her to go out to tinkle).
I've had to pay more attention to her and give her more extras - a kong full of peanut butter, rawhide bones, a frozen bone shaped stuff animal (for chewing), etc. She also just seems to require more attention. It's not that she's more hyper. She just needs to know that I haven't forgotten about her. We went through a bad week of chewing about 2 weeks ago. I finally have put a stop to that. Hopefully, this doesn't repeat after LO arrives...