3rd Trimester

Q: GBS+ and Natural Birth?

I just remembered I'm GBS+ from my last pregnancies and so they just automatically will give me the antibiotics this time. I know its admin. through IV. How will this affect my Natural Birth plan? I'm thinking as soon as they admin. it, I can just remove the IV right?

Re: Q: GBS+ and Natural Birth?

  • I was lurking from 2nd tri. And I dont know if I have GBS yet or not but im planning a home birth and my midwife told me that there is something called a hibba clense (sp) which is basically a vaginal rinse(they use it for MRSA and other things as well) that can be used every so many hours of laobr. So you might want to ask about the hospital's policy and if they would allow that
  • Yes you could, but I would just leave it heplocked (leave the IV catheter in, but detach the tubing) after the IV antibiotic that way in case they need it, they already have the IV access and won't have to restart the IV again.
    Child #1: 6 yo DD Child #2: 2yo DD
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  • At my hospital, you can walk around with an IV, so it really shouldn't make much difference with natural birth.  You just have to be a little careful not to get tangled in the IV when you walk and change positions. 
  • imageAllieJean:
    I was lurking from 2nd tri. And I dont know if I have GBS yet or not but im planning a home birth and my midwife told me that there is something called a hibba clense (sp) which is basically a vaginal rinse(they use it for MRSA and other things as well) that can be used every so many hours of laobr. So you might want to ask about the hospital's policy and if they would allow that


    I had read something like that yesterday.  I will ask her about that tomorrow. Thanks!

  • I was GBS+ with DD#1 and I had a natural birth..no epi or anything...
  • Why wouldn't your OB check again? I know plenty of people who were + with baby #1 and not with other babies. 

    As far as having a natural birth I know my hospital requires you have a heplock regardless.  They have to have immediate IV access in case f an emergency. 

    {Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
  • You'll be able to have a hep lock, but I know my hospital won't remove the IV entirely once it is in.  I'm not thrilled about it, but there is nothing I can do to change it (I've tried discussions with my midwife and gotten nowhere), so I'm trying to just accept it and let it go.

    A lot of people tell me it is no big deal, but I've done the unmedicated birth thing once already, and I've had hep-locks before in other situations.  I am sure the hep-lock will not be comfortable and will be in the way when I am trying to find comfortable positions to labor in.  (Yes, I can move freely.  But I won't be able to put weight on my wrists to labor on all-fours, or to push my hands into DH's hips during contractions, for example.)  I'm not at all convinced that it won't be in my way.  Best I can do is try to ignore it, I guess.

  • they should test you. i had it with DS and not with LO.
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