3rd Trimester

Growth u/s Update

OK, so I had my growth u/s today b/c last week they showed that the baby was not really getting bigger. The u/s shows that she is 4lbs 10oz and I am 36 weeks 2 days. So, she is measuring about 2 1/2 weeks behind. But, the tests they did show that she is healthy and that all her measurements are good, movement is good, etc. I have to start doing the non-stress tests 2x a week, with my first one this Thurs a.m. My DH asked what would happen if she failed the test and the Dr said that we would be having a baby b/c she would be better outside the womb rather than in.

 Has this happened to you? If so would they do a C-section or induce?

Re: Growth u/s Update

  • Didn't happen to me (I had a beast child - DS was 9 pounds 7 oz, lol) but it did to a friend of mine. Her DD was measuring behind, about the same as you. They had her go for weekly u/s and NSTs and it ended up that she was growing each week, she was just small. She was induced around 38 weeks, and DD was 5 pounds 10 oz so tiny, but completely healthy. She's just a little girl!

    Hope you get good news Thurs and they let DD keep baking! GL!
  • This hasn't happened to me, but I'm and L&D RN.  They would induce you.  If baby won't tolerate that or you don't make progress then they would move onto a c/s. 
    DD(7), DS(4.5), DS(2.5), DS(baby)
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  • I'm about the same as you. I had this happen last week. I was 34.5 weeks and my fundal height decreased from my 32.5 week appt. Baby was 4lb 12oz. The u/s can totally be off depending on the equip and tech and such. His fluid was fine, he's moving fine, so I'm trying not to worry so much. Maybe he'll just be smaller. He also has plenty of time to put on a few lbs. I'm not going back for NSTs before my next appt next week anyway. We'll have to see how I'm measuring next week.

    A friend had this happen and they took the baby by c/s. She had issues with her placenta and they didn't want to waste time on an induction when the baby may not have tolerated it anyway. I can't say for sure but I think they're more apt to do a c/s. I would think it also depends on your situation and doctor as to whether you get an immediate c/s or they try induction. 

    Mama to D 6.16.08 and C 3.11.10
    Tales of the Wife

  • I went last week for my 36 week appt and the doc said I was measuring 33cm but all the measurements came back saying that he was almost 6 pounds. I hope everything goes okay for you! 
  • My Dr. said it's not if he/she is measuring "behind" but that he/she does not drop in percentile. What percentile for weight/measurements were you at your 1st u/s and what are you now? My Dr did say the same thing as yours did above, that they would evaluate if he/she is better out than in, and would not hesitate to induce/cs if needed.
  • From my experience so far, my dr's are like what pp said--its about dropping in percentile--as long as they stay on their own growth curve (even if they are measuring small) and everything looks fine there is no reason to induce--now if they fail a NST they will most likely do a BPP which will give more indications of how the baby is doing--also have the mentioned checking your amniotic fluid and doppler flow levels? I know that for me being on strict hospital bedrest b/c LO is measuring really small (IUGR) they check those levels twice a week--the doppler flow (which is umbilical flow) shows how the blood supply is to the baby (they get concerned when there is absent or reverse flow--my LO just has high flow for the time being) I would defnitely talk w/ your dr's about letting him stay in as long as possible b/c every day inside you is 3 less days in the NICU--just something to consider! GL! Keep us updated!

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