I went Friday when I was 35 wks 5 days and nothing here either. Head down and pretty low down so that's good but that's where the progress stops. I go again tomorrow for my 36 weeks but I really doubt any progress has occurred between 4 days.
I had an internal done at my 37 and 38 week and appointment and nothing yet! She is head down but nothing else is happening. I am however going for an ultrasound this thursday, my doctor wants to get an estimate of her weight as he thinks she may be getting big!
Re: 36 wk appointment and nothing, anyone else?
My baby is two!!! Baby girl 9/17/09
My other baby is still a baby! Baby Boy 11-30-11
I got the GBS test and that's it, no internal.
I'm kind of okay not knowing...it seems kind of like torture to be at 2cm for 3 weeks!
I was the same at our 36 wk. Head down and nada on dilating or effacing. I'm crossing my fingers for our appt Wed. Crossing them for you too!
TTC #2 July 2014
Me: 35 DH: 36
FF Chart
DD1 Feb 2010
36 week appointment and nothing.
37 week appointment and nothing.
38 week appointment and nothing.
39 week appointment and nothing.
40 week appointment today, and I have a feeling...nothing. No contractions, no water breaking, nothing.