3rd Trimester

36 wk appointment and nothing, anyone else?

I went in this afternoon and although he is head down which is a good thing, she said there is nothing else happening. Did anyone else have?


Re: 36 wk appointment and nothing, anyone else?

  • I didn't dilate until the day I went into labor at 39 weeks.
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  • I got the GBS test and that's it, no internal.

    I'm kind of okay not knowing...it seems kind of like torture to be at 2cm for 3 weeks!

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  • i'm at 40+ wks and still nothing!!  good luck to you!
  • I was the same at our 36 wk. Head down and nada on dilating or effacing. I'm crossing my fingers for our appt Wed. Crossing them for you too!

  • I went Friday when I was 35 wks 5 days and nothing here either. Head down and pretty low down so that's good but that's where the progress stops. I go again tomorrow for my 36 weeks but I really doubt any progress has occurred between 4 days.
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  • I went on Thursday and had nothing also! It's a bit discouraging, but we still have time!
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  • I had no progress at my 36w appt, but at 37w I was 1cm and 50% effaced. Hoping for more Wednesday.

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  • I had an internal done at my 37 and 38 week and appointment and nothing yet!  She is head down but nothing else is happening.  I am however going for an ultrasound this thursday, my doctor wants to get an estimate of her weight as he thinks she may be getting big!
  • 36 weeks & 1 day...head down 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced as of last week! god please let her come soon!
  • 36 week appointment and nothing. 

    37 week appointment and nothing. 

    38 week appointment and nothing. 

    39 week appointment and nothing. 

    40 week appointment today, and I have a feeling...nothing.  No contractions, no water breaking, nothing.

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