do you start "trying" for labor? I've began to get the itch and would like to done with this pregnancy. This morning as I was getting in the shower I noticed my right boob leak a little.. So I think my body is ready. Hubby says, just wait for nature. I say, Let's do it! Let's eat pineapple! Let's go walk! ...what do you think
Re: at what point...
HAHA Im all for it! I wanted to wait till Feb for sure, so i started yesterday, well more like friday and saturday...
Your full term, anythings game now! GL!
I know im ready!
Nothing serious, just making sure I'm taking walks during my day at work. As much as I'm "done" (soooo done) with this pregnancy and I want to meet LO, I'm still not to my EDD yet. Still plenty of time for nature to take its course.
Plus, I'm a pretty firm believer in the school of thought that, if LO isn't ready to come, nothing will really induce labor.