3rd Trimester

NBR: picking a doctor

ugh, I am having a such a hard time and would welcome advice.  We are new to the area and I need to pick a family doctor (and a pedi and a few others) - but it was so much easier to pick my OB than it is to pick these other doctors.  

I thought it was easy to find a good OB b/c I knew what hospital I wanted to deliver at based on reviews, so I found a practice (they had websites) with a few women who, based on what they said online, meshed well with me.  And I really like them. 

Since we will hit our deductable (high one), my DH wants to go and see a bunch of doctors to ask about every mole, wrinkle and ache he has ever had.  But I can't pick a doctor.  There are no websites to help out......ugh.....how do you pick a family doc?  

Re: NBR: picking a doctor

  • Ask your OB for a referral.
  • Honestly, it was trial and error for me.  I started with rec's from work (since we all have the same insurance and I know who at work I sort of see eye to eye with, seemed a logical starting place) and went from there.  It took three doc's to find a PCP for me I loved, but only one to find a pedi we adore.
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  • I don't get to pick my docs since I have to see the military docs on base...BUT my mom would always pick our docs based on who her insurance covered. She got out the handbook that listed docs in our area,and she usually picked the one closest to us LOL....no criteria, and honestly we never had a problem with any docs we went to they were all great, especially our pediatrician.
  • Our OB gave us a sheet of good pediatric doctors in the area and so far they have been great. 
  • Our OB referred us to a great pedi
  • It was definitely trial and error for me. I was new to a new area as well. I asked co-workers and neighbors who they used. I checked to see if they were covered by insurance and if they were, I gave them a try.  If I didn't have a good visit for whatever reason (didn't like the office, etc) I moved on to the next person the next time I needed to see someone until I found somewhere that I was comfortable.
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