Been MIA for awhile, I'm sure I missed all the wonderful bump drama. I'll have to get the 2 second version of it from someone.
Last I bumped I was on my way to L&D. Contractions like crazy! Got them under control and was discharged. I've been off bed rest for 2 weeks now and I'm so thankful for it.
Had my 37 week appointment (does this make me an elder now?) and it sucked. The midwife didn't even check me to see if I dilated any more. I can't stand her and told her today that when I go into labor whatever doctor is backing her up that night will be called in to deliver. DH and I are not happy with her (she's lazy and cold), but the other docs are wonderful.
Anywho! Happy ticker change day to me and anyone else on here who actually looks forward to Monday's for this reason only.
I will now post my 37 weeks tummy photo and a covered one since I haven't updated them since 30 weeks (I got tired of them all looking the same and I'm sure you all did too) Forgive my mirror shot... I'm not myspacey enough to do a good one.
Bare Belly.... I got some stretchies!
Re: 37 Weeks Already? (PIP) Ticker Change Day & Crappy Appointment
Love you too ha ha. Ps. Your outfit for 33 weeks is soooo adorable. I may have to steal your style.