Hey girls,
Just a quick question.. I work in NJ at a small company (10 people) and they do not have a maternity leave policy. Apparently I am the 1st person at the company to be having a baby. Because of this, I was told I need to apply for pregnancy diability thru the state. I called the state and they told me where to get the paperwork etc..they said they cover 4wks before & 6 - 8 wks after depending on delivery but I cant fill out or send in this paperwork until after the baby is born so there si a 3-4 weeks period where I wont be receiving a check. All my GF's work for larger companies who offer a maternity poluicy so i am just wondering if this sounds about right.
Anyone know?? Thanks girls!
Re: Maternity leave for small company
Yes, that sounds right. Your employer only has to give you the state mandated time off (in CA it is 6 weeks adn 8 weeks for c-section).
In CA there is a 7 day waiting period so you are really getting 5 weeks of disability pay even though you get 6 weeks off from work.
You should be able to have your doctor fill out the disability paperwork for the 4 weeks before delivery when they take you off of work. Your checks might be delayed though, so be prepared.
...Baby Blog...CD Blog...
I'm in NY and it sounds in line with my company (who does have more than 50 employees).
I have the state disability paperwork. After the baby is born, there is a section I fill out, a section the dr fills out and a section my work fills out...then it gets sent in. NY pays weeks 2-6 for vaginal delivery and weeks 2-8 for c-section. Sadly, they only pay 50% of your income and it maxes out at $170. So, I'll be getting very little.
I'm just hoping that I can finish our taxes this week and we get a nice refund to help with the leave.